Video Games
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Agent Armstrong
Cheat mode
The following location must be found to enable cheat mode. After the game begins, move to the right until reaching a location with a teddy bear. Then, face the wall and press Circle to jump in that direction. If done correctly, you will hear a muted sound. Now move forward and walk in the next room just to the right of this location, which leads down into a small room. Press Circle to access a platform. Use this platform to reach a playroom and activate cheat mode. The following codes may now be enabled:
- Invincibility
While playing a game, press X(4), Triangle, Circle, X, Square on controller two.
- All weapons
While playing a game, press Circle(3), Triangle(2), X(2), Square on controller two.
- Level select
While playing a game, press Triangle(3), Square(3), X(2), Circle on controller two.
Game Shark Codes
Joker Command | D00D2230 ???? |
Infinite Health | 8013BAFC 0400 8011 87BC 0400 |
Infinite Grenades | 8013BA60 0003 |
Infinite Ammo | 8013BAEA 0074 801187AA 0074 |
Infinite Fire/Bullet | 80118738 000F |
Infinite Health | 800A3AD0 0000 800A3AD2 0000 |
Infinite Energy And All Weapon Available | 800D2010 0001 |
Mission Select [Note] | D00D2230 0102 800D2092 0001 800D2010 0001 |
Note: While playing a game, press R2 + Select to enable a mission select option.
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