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Questions & Answers

What is a Joker Command?It is a code whose address is a position in RAM, that tells when a button on the controller is pressed.
Does every game have a Joker Command?Yes, every game has a Joker Command, but some are non-normal and non-reverse joker commands.
What does a Joker Command do?It is used to avoid lock-ups during the intros or varios places in the game, or when you only want to activate codes at a certain time and not constantly have the effect of the code on. It's main purpose is to activate codes with the push of a button.
Can you activate all codes from a Joker Command?Yes. All you have to do is, put the Joker Command code in the Master Code Section. Otherwise, it will just turn on the code that is below it.
Once I have the Joker Command in, how do I use it?Well, if you are using the Joker Command in a regular code box, not Master Code section. When you press the button/s specified by the Quantity Digits below, the value that you change the '????' to, inside of the game, it will activate the code you have put in under the Joker Command code. If it was put in the Master Code Section it would activate all codes when that button is pressed.
What if I enter a Joker Comand in Normal Code Section?Then, enter the code that you want the Joker Command to Actiavet underneath the Joker Command code.
Example UsageSay you wanted to use the Normal Joker Command with Infinite Health in a game. Let's say the Infinite Health code is, 8012C04C 00FF and the Joker Command is D0012822 ????. Now let's say in the game Select doesn't do anything. Then, take a look at the Quantity Digits and you will see that Selects value is 0100 for a Normal Joker Command. So you would enter the following codes, D0012822 0100, and under it 8012C04C 00FF. So now, when you are playing the game with the code on, press Select and it will refill you energy. Or if you hold Select it will give you Infinite Health. However, when you let go of Select, you no longer have Infinite Health.

Normal Joker Command Quantity Digits

Quantity DigitsButton Pressed to Activate
0004L1 Button
0001L2 Button
0008R1 Button
0002R2 Button
0010Triangle Button
0020Circle Button
0040X Button
0080Square Button
0100Select Button
0800Start Button
1000Up Direction
2000Right Direction
4000Down Direction
8000Left Direction
Multi-ButtonsTo use any combination of buttons, add the two digits together. For instance, Select + L1 would be 0100 plus 0001 equal 0101. So 0101 would enable the codes when you press Select + L1 on the first controller.

Reverse Joker Command Quantity Digits

Quantity DigitsButton Pressed to Activate
0400L1 Button
0100L2 Button
0800R1 Button
0200R2 Button
1000Triangle Button
2000Circle Button
4000X Button
8000Square Button
0001Select Button
0008Start Button
0010Up Direction
0020Right Direction
0040Down Direction
0080Left Direction
Multi-ButtonsTo use any combination of buttons, add the two digits together. For instance, Select + L1 would be 0100 plus 0001 equal 0101. So 0101 would enable the codes when you press Select + L1 on the first controller.

Max Normal Joker Command Quantity Digits

Quantity DigitsButton Pressed to Activate
FFFBL1 Button
FFFEL2 Button
FFF7R1 Button
FFFDR2 Button
FFEFTriangle Button
FFDFCircle Button
FFBFX Button
FF7FSquare Button
FEFFSelect Button
F7FFStart Button
EFFFUp Direction
DFFFRight Direction
BFFFDown Direction
7FFFLeft Direction

Max Reverse Joker Command Quantity Digits

Quantity DigitsButton Pressed to Activate
FBFFL1 Button
FEFFL2 Button
F7FFR1 Button
FDFFR2 Button
EFFFTriangle Button
DFFFCircle Button
BFFFX Button
7FFFSquare Button
FFFESelect Button
FFF7Start Button
FFEFUp Direction
FFDFRight Direction
FFBFDown Direction
FF7FLeft Direction

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