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Name: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island   



The first time I've played this game was in 1998. I've bought the new Super Nintendo model and the game was included with the system. It is the second part of the successful Super Mario World game that came out years ago. The main characters of this game are the Baby Mario, and Yoshi dinosaurs. Baby Mario was separated from his twin brother who was stolen by an evil witch, and now Yoshies try to cary the Baby Mario on their backs, across the island in hope to find Baby Mario's twin brother. In case someone touches a Yoshi, the Baby Mario will fall of his back and start crying. You then have 10 seconds to put him back on your back again, or the bad guys will come and steal him, and then you lose a life! ;)

Graphics [9/10]:

I've inserted the game, I've turned my Super Nintendo on, and naturally the first thing that caught my attention was graphics. They will make you think that you are in a motion coloring book. The backgrounds look very nice and neat. They will make you forget about the game from time to time and you'll just be staring at them and admire the perfection! Yoshi and Baby Mario sprites in motion do not seem to look as neat as the Donkey Kong monkeyes (who does!), but because of such good challenge and gameplay of this game I don't see it as a problem, they look ok. The looks of the bad guys could have been done better, because there doesn't seem to be much difference with most of the enemies than from the previous Super Mario titles. The bosses are amazing, I must admit that. They too like the backgrounds make you admire the abilities of your Super Nintendo system. When you add everything up, Yoshi's Island is almost graphically perfect. I've given it a 9 out of 10 because just a bit of the graphics could have been better, but other than that I think that everyone would be impressed with them.

Music and Sound [7/10]:

Very catchy sounds and melodies are featured in Yoshi's Island, but they are usually very simple. When Baby Mario falls of a Yoshi's back he starts crying, and his cry is the most annoying thing in the game. Other than that the sound effects are pretty normal and nothing special compared to other great Super Nintendo titles. 7 out of 10 is a decent mark for the sound of a game. :)

Gameplay [9/10]:

This game brings lots of quality gameplay, and as more you progress in the game the more fun it is. You always have to use different strategies whenever you approach a different level, and you can't just learn one tactic for one level or one boss and stick to it in order to beat that level or boss, no, for every different situation you have to do something different. The enemies are just getting nastier, bigger, and badder in every new level you discover. With all of that you have to keep the baby Mario on your back and make sure he does not get stolen by the bad guys.

Challenge and Replay [10/10]:

The game is quite challenging, and has great replay value. When you try to complete the game for the first time you will notice a lot of secret doors which naturally you will ignore because you just want to go through the game as quickly as possible. Hey it's your first time! :) But, after you finally manage to complete it, your curiosity will not allow you to just throw this game on the pile with the other titles that you own, and it will make you play it again just so you could see what's behind all the secrets. As you go through the game you will notice the increase in the difficulty of it. Every level is much harder than the previous one and the Baby Mario is more likely to fall of your back.

Conclusion/Overall [8.6/10]:

Definitely get this title. Lots of fun and you'll be spending a lot of time playing it.

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