World Heroes 2 is a great sequel to the original World Heroes game. It has a
bunch of new characters along with the old. New stages. If you never played
World Heroes (for arcade or SNES) then you're in for even a better treat.
This is a great fighter. Don't expect to see a bad review here. This SNK
fighter is one of my favorite fighting games along with Super Smash Bros.
for the N64 and Soul Edge in the arcade. I like the Arcade version of WH2
better though.
Graphics [7.5/10]:
There is nothing flashy in this game. But there is no bad
thing about the graphics either. The graphics pretty much resemble Street
Fighter 2. It doesn't go for the Mortal Kombat look.
Music and Sound [6.5/10]:
I don't remember any of the music tunes so I guess
that isn't that great. Each character has there own little laugh or grunt
which aren't bad. The announcer is also done well too. The Graphics and
Sound in this game are not very important.
Game Play [10/10]:
I love the gameplay. It's a traditional 2D fighter and
each character has there own moves. My favorite character to play is called
Janne, she is from France and she uses a sword. I use to play with Mudman in
the arcade. Each character is from a different part of the world.
There are 3 ways to play this game; Vs. Mode, Death Match, and Normal Game.
Vs. Mode is for two players to compete against each other, you can play
against each other in Death Match and Normal Game too but this is the best
way to do so. Death Match has obstacles in the way while you compete against
all the other fighters. And the normal game is the same thing except for the
Challenge and Replay [7.5/10]:
I really don't know about the challenge of
this game. I been really good at this game ever since I first saw it and
I've played a lot of people and have defeated about 90% of all people and
computer fighters I've fought so I guess I really can't say much on
challenge. It challenges me enough to keep playing. The replay is great and
I love multiplayer which keeps it fresh.
Conclusion Overall [9/10]:
If you're into fighters, or if you're not (like
me) then I would recomend this title. I like this title better than Street
Fighter 2. It's a real good arcade game ported to the SNES very well. This
game is also good for multiplayer fun. A good addition to any collection.
Even if you played the WH1 and didn't like it, I would still give the sequel
a shot.