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Name: Wanderers from Ys III   

Adol and his friend Dogi, continue they're adventures throught the land of Ys, in the sequel to the popular Action/RPG games. This is the first Ys, game I have ever played..and hopefully it'll be the last. The game speed is so fast, it makes it nearly impossibly to beat the game...let alone, an end Boss. It should be noted that I played most of this game using the Game Genie code for Infinity health. The game would be almost impossible with out it. (The Website for Game Genie is in the Links section)

Graphics [5/10]:

The graphics could have been a lot better. However, this is one of the first SNES games,, but that's no excuse. They're not terrible, but there really is nothing to them. Some of the enemies are drawn nicely, but that's it, there's nothing else to 'em. One of the only good things about the graphics, is that I found only one instance, where the game slowed down...it was a Boss, and it only slowed for about three seconds.

Music and Sound [7/10]:

The music is one of the best parts of the game. It's not as good as the new games, but some of it was put together rather well. They're catchy and change regularly. I only found myself annoyed with it once. Sound effects were weak in the game. There was little variety, of sounds. There was an occational "Swish" of the sword, but that was the most dazzaling sound.

Game Play [6/10]:

IF you use the Game Genie the Game Play is 7/10..if not the score would be 1/10. First of all with out the Game Genie, there is no game, so lets just move to talking about the Game, while using the Game Genie. This game sort of grew on me...but it sort of annoyed me. There are lots of treasures to find, powerups to get. But if you don't talk to someone, or do something just right you'll really be wandering the ENTIRE world of Ys! You play as Adol, and that's it..it's kind of like Mario meets Spiderman and the X-Men (Read the Review) The game did give me some joy, but at the same time, it annoyed me, to the point that I wanted to sell it back to the store I bought it at! (But I would never sell a Super Nintendo game!)

Challenge/Replay [4/10]:

The game is immpossible to beat if you don't use the Game Genie..Don't beleive me BUY it. Go on I dare you. You'll see how impossible it is. But The game's challenge shouldn't be set that high..and that's why the value is so low.
I hav no desire to ever play this game again, it has some good concepts, but they were never fully shaped. I'll probably pick up this game and play it through again in about three years, but that's it! NO MORE!

Conclussion/Overall [5.5/10]:

If you don't own a Game Genie..don't even think about buying this game. If you do own a Game Genie DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT BUYING THIS GAME! It gives mild amusment, and makes you feel sick in the head..that you paid ten bucks for nothing more than a cartrige. The box looks cool and so do the instructions, but the actual game is nothing. There were two other games (For other systems) that were realeast, and I head that they were quite good. It should also be noted that there are two more games that were releast after this one..but they never made it to North America...Gee I wonder why? ;)

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