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Name: Urban Strike   

H.R. Malone is designing a secret weapon to overthrow the US goverment. He has created a huge army with the latest USSR weapons. Its your job as the pilot of the Mohicon chopper to destroy his plans. Before you start you have to pick a copilot who aims the guns and controls the wince. This game is the best strike game on the Snes with the other two games being Desert and Jungle Strike.

Graphics [10/10]:

The graphics in this game are great! The helicopters are very well detailed and sound great. The enemy weapons are also very well detailed and sound great also.The water effects of the ocean are great and look like you are flying over a real ocean and the jungle look like a real jungle too! The only problem with the graphics are the level where you are on foot because the frame rate is bad and the grahics just dont look right. But luckily that is only a small level in the whole game. Overall the graphics in this game are great!

Music and Sound [5/10]:

I gave the rating a five because the levels have no music but you never notice it because the choppers sound so good and all the weapons aound great. The only music in the game are between levels and that sounds great! Overall the sound effects are great but there is no music.

Game Play [10/10]:

The contol in this game is great. You feel as you are flying a real helicopter. Some times if a lot of enemy weapons are on the screen it suffers from slight slowdown but not much. The only hard part to control is the on foot stage.I like the way the map works and how the fire buttons are set up. Overall great game play.

Challenge and Replay [10/10]:

I've had this game for a week and a half and i've only made it to the second level where you go on foot. So that tells you how hard the game is. I can't say how the replay factor is because i've only had the game for a week and a half. But i think it will be ok.Overall a very hard game.

Conclusion/Overall [9.9/10]

This game is a great game.

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