Shao Kahn once again is trying too destroy Earth Realm (you would
think he had learned his lesson by now) And you must defeat Shao Kahn
with one of 32 Characters Which include everyone from the MK's before
this one and four new characters Noob Saibot, Jade, Ermac, and Rain.
This game also adds Animalities and Brutalities which are the coolest
thing for Mortal Kombat since Goro.
Graphics [9/10]:
The main feature of Ultimate MK is the graphics and usually I believe
that graphics don't make the game but in this case they sure help a lot,
The graphics look real smooth and our great when you punch, kick or do
anything in this game the only reason why the graphics department didn't
get a ten is because Shao Kahn looks so corny (May be a bad reason but
is true).
Sound and Music [8.9/10]:
Another good department in this game is it's music and sound. It is
like a real fight hearing all the hiyahs and voices of the characters,
the sound is totally cool in this game (I just love Shao Kahns taunt's).
The music department is also very good each characters stage has it's
own music and doesn't get too repetitive. the sound and music in the
game are great but hearing Lui Kain fight will make you want to scream
(I'm not Joking).
Game Play [3/10]:
It has everything but Game play and boy do I mean it. It seams no
matter what difficulties your playing on you always lose too certain
characters, also the game lacks depth it's just beat someone up until
they lose all there blood then you get the fun part of performing a
finisher if you can pull it off in five seconds and thats another thing
that gets me mad is this game requires a players guide or else you can't
have any of the cool parts in the game (I'm talking about finishers). In
other words this game has absolutely no strategy in it whats so ever.
Challenge and Replay [9.5/10]:
This game will have you playing until your eyeballs fall out because
first It's so challenging and seconed it has never been so fun beating
people too pieces before, and third all the cool finishers (FATALITIES,
Conclusion/Overall [8.5/10]:
This game is fun, fun, fun. It is just one of those games that you
can play over and over again, even if there is no strategy, then again
who wants strategy in MK.