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Name: Techmo Super Bowl   

I believe this game was for the 1993-1994 NFL season. You can choose to be any of the 28 NFL teams, and you even have three different schedules to pick from. This game is very similar to Tecmo Super Bowl for the regular Nintendo.

Graphics [3/10]:

The graphics on this game need some work. They are no better than the graphics on the NES version. For starters, the players are so small, and don't even look like football players. They don't even have home and away jerseys. It just changes the color of the jerseys according to the different matchups. The SNES version also took away the faces of the players on the players data screen that were on the NES version. The only good things about the graphics in this game are the action cut-scenes you see every once in a while during the game. Some of the half-time scenes are good too, especially the cheerleaders. :-)

Music and Sound [6.5/10]:

This game has different music for Preason, Season, Playoffs, and the Pro-Bowl. In each of these modes, it also changes music when the other team has the ball. However, the music in this game is much worse than in the NES version, and it will drive you crazy. The only good music on this game is when you are at the options/game modes/stats screen. The sounds in this game are mediocre at best. You can hear the quarterbacks yell things like "Brown 52" and "Blue 48" before the ball is snapped. However, the quarterbacks sound like little young punklings instead of football players. Instead of a deep macho voice, there voices are higher pitched.

Gameplay [5.5/10]:

The lameplay on this game (yes, it is rather lame) is not any better than the NES version. The only thing they added is a dive play that never works, and always gets your star running back hurt. The worst thing about this game is the way defense works on this game. Instead of setting up different formations like Nickel, Dime, 4-3, and Goaline, this game leaves you in the 3-4 and you just have to guess your opponents plays. If you don't call the right one, your opponent can just break a major play on your and you can't do diddly about it. You can't switch defenders in the middle of a play, either. Also, running on this game is futile, especially late in the season. That means about all you can do on offense is pass as you will be lucky to get 40 yards a game rushing. Also, the game clock runs faster than real time, which can throw you off. You will think you have time to run another play before the half, instead of kicking a field goal, but then run out of time on your next play. The only good thing about the gameplay on this game is you can play a series of football games really quickly. It's also a blast to pull off long bombs on a consistant basis.

Challenge and Replay [7/10]:

The only time this game challenges you if it's late in the season and you have won several games in a row. However, this game is fairly easy to beat, and there is some replay value if you want to change teams or play a different schedule. Most people, especially Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES aficionados will whip through this game with little trouble. The only way to make this game challenging is to pick a team that totally sucks.

Conclusion/Overall [4/10]:

Although I used to play this game a lot, I have to say I'm dissapointed. This game has no improvements from its 8-bit predecessor and is even worse in some cases. The only good thing about this game is it is easy to get into, unlike some football games, which take awhile to figure out. Play this game if you want a quick football game. Otherwise, there are too many football games out there that beat this one all to heck.

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