Terranigma is a VERY well designed game by enix software. Imagine being in a village, you know
nothing of the outside world, in fact no-one does. Then one day you talk to your friends who decide to
open a forbidden door. everyone turns up frozen and you have to go save them by going to the different
towers of the world. The adventure continues on the other side of reality where you have to complete
even more tasks.
Graphics [9/10]:
As you can see from the screenshots the graphics are insanely intricate.
The only reason i didn't give this a full 10 is because there are a few flaws, not many though.
Overall this is a Beautiful game.
Game Play [8/10]:
Terranigma is extremly fun, only once through though. the controlls are sweet, there are a few
hard jumps and a few hard puzzles but you'll get the hang of it.
Story [9/10]:
The story does get a little repetitive, but its very interesting and fun so it gets a 9.
Conclusion/Overall [8/10]:
This game gets a 9 because the play is sweet, the graphics are sweet, and the story fits in well.
The last boss is a little hard and the game is soooo long that most gamers will play through once
and never touch it again. This game is my personal favorite and I would reccomend this for gamers of all ages.