A lot of game companies have tried to copy Tetris and make it maybe even better than the original
by adding some new features and improving the gameplay. Almost none of them succeded in doing that.
Most of the "clones" looked really nasty and in a way they ruined the name and the good reputation of
the game of Tetris! I'm am happy to say that someone finally managed to upgrade the Tetris in a
really fun, addicting, and fresh kind of way. Nintendo, who else. They did it with a style. :)
Graphics [6/10]:
I don't know what to tell you about the graphics. Don't expect too much, this is only a puzzle game after all.
For what ever system they made this game, 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, the graphics would look more or less the same.
To refresh the atmosphere of the game Nintendo put some of their characters to guide you through the levels and
explain what's to be done. These characters do not perform any fancy animations, they are pretty static, but do look
really nice, especially when opening their mouths and blinking. The blocks are colored differently and each has a certain
symbol on it such as the star, hart, triangle, circle, etc. Although the mark for graphics is rather low, they are pretty
good for a puzzle game and will please most of the gamers.
Music and Sound [8/10]:
If the music were any nicer than it is you wouldn't be able to make any progress at all in this game because of the distraction. :)
Nintendo made sure that the tunes playing in Tetris Attack are catchy, not too frustrating, and not too good to distract you while playing.
The variety in tunes is a big plus. Every level you get a different tune playing.
The sound is exactly like it should be. You can hear the blocks falling and landing on other blocks, as well the sound of matching at least 3
of them together. When you do good Yoshi even yells: "Yeah!", and when you start the game he yells: "Nintendo!". :)
Game Play [10/10]:
The gameplay simply rocks! It's everything that the good old Tetris had in it, wrapped up in a new-style alternative way. Let me explain it. This is
a puzzle game in which you rearange the order of a stack of panels in order to clear them. As the stack begins rising you have to switch two
horizontally adjacent panels. If you place at least three identical panels in a row vertically or horizontally, they will dessapear. That's the
basics of it. There's a bit more advanced stuff such as the chain reactions but I'll leave that to you to find out what it really is by playing the game. :)
If the stack of panels touches the top, the game is over. Words can hardly explain the goodness of the gameplay, it's something that you have to see
for yourself to know what I'm talking about. The good people of Nintendo even made a two player mode in this game, so if you ever wanted to compete
in Tetris against a friend or a family member you're in for a treat.
Challenge and Replay [10/10]:
Like the original Tetris, you can as well play Tetris Attack for hours and hours, days and nights, and hardly ever get bored of it. It is a really
neat and practical game that doesn't involve much thinking, but pure instinct and lots of excercise until your fingers get the good enough reflexes
to keep up with the rising speed of the blocks, and passing the harder levels.
Conclusion/Overall [8.5/10]:
A definite must in every Super Nintendo owner's game collection. Hours of fun puzzle mania await the one who choses to buy a copy of this game.
It simply rules. You won't find anything better of a puzzle game on Super Nintendo than this. If you liked the gameplay of Tetris, get ready for
something similar but yet completely different. :)