Say you like Marvel comics? And you like there other video games too?
And you want to buy it? Well..I have good news for you then...Since
you're reading this, I'll let you in on a little secret. Ok? THIS
OTHER SNES GAME ON THE PLANET! Well, I wouldn't say it's the worst
game on the planet, but it's pretty bad. Spider-Man joins forces with
some of the X-Men, against the evil Arcade. Actually the game
designers didn't like Marvel comics, so they trapped their most famous
characters in a little, tiny, impossible game... ;-)
Graphics [7/10]:
Below average. Nothing in this game is very detailed, or the least bit
impressive. The best graphical part of this game is in the "Cyclops"
level. Cyclops needs to "re-energize" his mutant power with these
rubies, which aren't that bad to look at. Funny though...I never
remembered Cyclops having to recharge his mutant powers...oh
well...what do I know. The special effects, well, aren't so special.
The backrounds are either hopless or non-existant. The charcters, are
drawn very sketchy (Hee-he). And they're movement is reminiscent of
the old 8-bit days.
Music and Sound [5/10]:
AHHHHHHHHH! Terrible, so awful...Can't get music out of my HEAD! It
keeps repeating every twenty seconds. It's SO annoying. There's only
five different tracks in the ENTIRE game..they keep playing, and
playing..and playing........The only good with the music is the
opening music.
Ok, sound wasn't quite as bad, that's why the catagory got such 'good' rating. The sound of Wolverines claws, jutting in and
out, Cyclopses laser beams, and "Spidy's" web shooters, aren't that
bad. They're not done well, but there was more effort put into this
than the music.
Game Play [6/10]:
I'll admit. This is a fun game, for the first hour or so. Then it
becomes frustrating and annoying. You have to collect "Power-Ups" just
to use your powers. With the exception of SpiderMan, all the
characters in the comics have unlimited power. It's like saying,
"You've got to collect things so you can blink your eyes!" The
enemies are so hard...the bosses are even harder. This could be the
game that made Nintendo create the N64...just to bury this game.
There is one good thing about the gameplay. The control is good, which
really annoys me, because some of the really good games out there have
bad control....
Challenge and Replay [8/10]:
There is challenge in this game, if that's all your looking for. But
too much, of anything isn't good. The game is so difficult, I've never
beaten it. EVEN WITH GAME GENIE! It's impossibly hard.
All I can say about the Replay Value is, "How can you REPLAY it when
it's immpossible to beat?!?!?"
Let me explain the rating of this catagory. There is no replay value
As for the difficulty, I think difficulty should be something
that helps highten the entire game experience, not hinder it. When a
developer creates a game that is so hard and frustrating, they
obviolsy don't care about the consumer, or are wizards and can beat
anything they come into contact with.
Conclusion/Overall [6/10]:
This is a terrible game. I bought it a while ago, and was very
dissapointed with it. I've tryed to beat it recently, but it's still
next to immpossible. The only thing this has going for it is the Ruby
graphics in the cyclops level. This game had all the right ideas, but
they were thrown into a ses-pool of garbage, and destroyed...for what
reason? Noone knows. This is a bearly rentable, let alone buyable.
Unfortunatly, though they still sell this game in many
it! It may look cool, but no matter how much you paid for it, you'll
wish you had your money back.