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Name: Super Tennis   

Super Tennis is one of the early SNES titles. This tennis game is similiar to Tennis for Game Boy but has a lot more features and different ways to play. I picked up this gam at my local Toys R Us for 97 cents, brand new. It's basically an ordinary everyday tennis game. How exciting could it get? Let's see...

Graphics [5/10]:

The Graphics in this game are very colorful but there's not much you can do with a tennis game to make it flashy. The people in the game look pretty much the same, only difference is the colors of there outfits, hair, etc.

Music and Sound [4/10]:

There is no problem with the sound effects, except for the same sound almost every hit. The music is awful, you'll think you're getting a game with catchy tunes when your starting the game and selecting your characters but during the game there is no music! Other sound effects include a very bad announcer and the crowds which aren't bad.

Game Play [6/10]:

You don't have to like tennis to like this game. You have to know the rules (which is in the guidebook) and you got to have a fast thumb. The gameplay fun increases when you're playing with a freind. I found it way more fun to play my brother than the computer. You can also play with your freind on the same team in a doubles match. You can play Singles, Doubles, or a tournament. And you also have a choice of 3 different court types; lawn, concrete, and clay.

Challenge and Replay [5/10]:

This game is very difficult, perhaps too dificult. I'm one to compare and may I tell you I like the Game Boy Tennis way better even though it does not have all the special features. Since this game is so difficult it does not have that much replay value. The only reason I gave it a 5 on replay value is because of the multiplayer. If you are having freinds over you may want to play this game but it's pretty boring alone.

Conclusion/Overall [5/10]:

Mainly a multiplayer game. If you see this game for a buck or two go ahead and buy it but I wouldn't trade Super Mario World for it. If you're a big fan of tennis (I'm not) you may enjoy this game more than me. It will take awhile to master the game but like I said, play it with freinds.

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