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Name: Super Star Wars   


Finally! A company has made a great movie into a great game. Many movie-games are terrible, even if they're fashioned after a great movie. Super Star Wars is a very good and pretty acurate conversion of the first Star Wars movie. In between every level there are 'mini-movies' that move the plot forward and lead up into the next level. Levels include Tatoonie, Tatoonie Landing Port, and even the Death Star! There are two types of levels. Platform levels, are played with one of the characters, Luke, Leia, ect.. and ussually end with an End Boss. The other type of level, is the space-ship levels. In these levels you get to pilot different ships, while blasting enemies, or dodging debris.

Graphics [8/10]:

The graphics in the platform levels are 2-D, and go for a realistic look. Luke, looks like Luke, Han looks like Han... You can tell who you're looking at. The graphics are a tad bit choppy but barely nopticable. There is, however, slow down when there are too many enemies on the screen.
The semi 3-D space-ship levels are exellent, they're almost as good as some games on the N64! There is no noticable slow down, and the graphics run smooth.

Music and Sound [8/10]:

The music in this game is almost as good as the movie music. A lot of the sound-track on the game seems like it was taken straight from the movie, but that's not to say that it doesn't have some original work. The music is less impressive than the movie music, but it really delivers some exellent quality.
Sound, for the most part, also sounds like it was taken straight from the movie. Every thing from the shoot of a blaster to the swinging of a light saber is in here.

Game Play 8/10:

This game has a very good degree of Game Play. There's only one problem with the Game-Play, though, the control. It takes a while to get used to..in the begining Jumps seem impossibe, until you figure out how to jump. The controls are also a little slugish. at times. That being said....This game has Life Meter Power-Ups, Blaster Power-Ups, and 'the force'. The bosses are huge and very cool to look at, just by them-selves, let alone fighting them! There is so many things in this game to do, and destroy...It's no wonder Nintendo re-released it as their "Players Choice" Games!

Challenge and Replay [8/10]:

There are three levels of difficulty in this game. Although on the easy level, it can be difficult enough. I found that it can be a very difficult game, if you're like me, and try to kill everything on the screen.
There is exellent replay on this game. There are so many fun things to do on it, that you'll just want to play all day and night, until they come to take you away! ;)
But it can get repetative after a while, so I suggest you don't overkill it...besides if they "take you away" they probably won't let you have your SNES! :)

Conclusion/Overall [8/10]:

Super Star Wars is a pretty good game, but as you complete the game you feel as though it lacks something. And it does! Two more games...to complete the trilogy. This game is very reminiscent of the original movie and yet it still is an enitirly new experience. I would recommend this game to any one who likes Star Wars, likes action, or even just likes good games.

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