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Name: Super Return of the Jedi   


This is the last game in the Super Star Wars game series. Like the other games in the series, the game has two kinds of levels. The most common level is the side-scroller (platformer) 2-D levels. The least commom, and probably the most fun levels, are 3-D space-ship levels, where you fight or dodge in one of the vehicles from Star Wars. This game has a couple of different features, than the other two Super Star Wars games. For example, before you play any of the 2-D Side-scrolling levels, you get to choose between three characters, to play out the level. Some of the characters you can choose from are, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, and Wicket...
Super Return of the Jedi, loosly follows the story-line of it's corisponding movie.

Graphics [9/10]:

This game has exellent graphics. The designers were going for more real looking characters, and they did a good job at it. In the side scrolling levels, characters and enemies look like they were ported straight from the movie. The end Bosses look even better. Jabba the Hutt, looks like they "borrowed" his puppet from the Star Wars set. Enemies and characters alike, have highly detailed uniforms, and garb. The backrounds could use a little more work, but they do thier job. Also, there is some slow-down when too many enemies are on the screen at once, but it's better than the other games in the series.
The 3-D space ship levels are different. There is no slow-down time. the graphics run crisp, and smooth. The enemy ships are very well detailed, and so are the backrounds.
Also in between each level is a mini-movie that moves the story along. There are no graphical marvels here, but they're done fairly well.

Music and Sound [8/10]:

The music follows the movie's soundtrack, and the music is exellent. Sometimes you forget that the music is even on a 16-bit system! There is a problem, though, every once in a while, the music can become repetitive. Now don't get me wrong..this doesn't happen ever time..just once in a while, when your stuck on that tough level, and the music keep repeating.
Unlike the music, the sound doesn't get annoying. Jabba's guards snort as they approach, the speeder bikes give that >Hooot< sound as they fly along and Luke's Light-Saber still makes the >woooong< sound as he swings it. the sound effercts are great in Super Return of the Jedi.
Game Play [7/10]:

The game can be fun, especially on the 3-D Ship levels, but there is a lack of Game Play in this final Super Star Wars. The 2-D levels have poor control, which is rough, but managable. They are also repeatative, to almost no ends! On the plus side though you get to pick one out of three characters, to play the level with, and that adds some fun and variety to the game. The 3-D Space ship levels have smooth easy controls, and very cool levels. If your looking for fast action...these are the levels. All-in-all there is less of an effort put into the Game Play of this title, but you will get your kicks out of it.

Challenge and Replay [6/10]:

There is challenge in this game, but there are few levels that you want to actually play again.
This game has three difficulty settings, and the game can be quite difficult, but once you beat most of the levels, all you can think is, "thank goodness that's over." The 2-D levels are long and hard..but the Bosses at the end of them are extremly easy. The levels (like some of the music) are very repeatitive. Half way through some of the levels, you'll find yourself wondering if you've already been here. In fact the only levels you might want to go back to are the 3-D space ship levels. You might be able to play this game twice through before getting bored and giving up. And the pass word system isn't nearly as good as it was in Super Empire Strikes Back.

Conclusion/Overall [7.5/10]:

Super Return of the Jedi was the worst of the Super Star Wars game trilogy. It's a good game, but it could have been better. The levels can be repeatative, and same goes to the music. The graphics are the best in this Star Wars game. Although the 3-D space ship levels are the best, they don't have passwords giving you direct access to them. If you could have only one Super Star Wars Trilogy, buy Super Empire Strikes Back...not this.

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