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Name: Secret of Evermore   

Evermore, an experiment that would change the lives of a select few. Evermore, a world of unknown beauty and unspeakable horrors. Evermore, the non-existent front for a war between good and evil. You assume the role of a boy and his misguided dog who unwittingly stumble upon a secret that has been kept secret for decades. Secret of Evermore was one of the few RPG's made primarily by and for North Americans. It combines ideas from past Squaresoft games with brand new forms of adventuring, to create an entertaining story and line of play. Secret of Evermore is a 1 or 2-Player Action/RPG. Its rated 'K-A' for mild animated violence.

Graphics [9/10]:

Like most Squaresoft games, Secret of Evermore is brilliantly animated and contains little to no glitches in it's graphics. The character (and enemy) sprites are fairly detailed and vibrantly colored. A few of the backgrounds in the game have excellent effects and an almost realistic look to them. And the alchemy formulas look pretty amazing when used as an attack or a curative. The only major quarrel I have with the graphics is when either of the characters climb up stairs. The frames skip and the screen moves slightly, giving it a less polished look. On the good side though, there is hardly ever any slowdown, only when about eight enemies are on the screen does the game even hint at a slowdown.

Music and Sound [9/10]:

The music in Secret of Evermore was perfect, if this wasn't a Squaresoft game. When I hear of a game done by the company, I immediately hold it to a higher standard. The music in SoM (Secret of Evermore) was superb, but I believe square could have done a little bit more with it. But please don't get me wrong, the music is great. It's just not as good as some of the other Squaresoft games.

As I said for the music I will say for the sound, it's excellent but could have used a tad bit more to receive a near perfect score. Although I must say I was impressed with the realism of some of the sound effects. You could hear the dog sniffing on top of the buzzing fly overhead, meanwhile a beast growls at you from afar, and for a moment you feel as though you are in the same scenario as the character on the screen. The sound effects were very well done.

Game Play [10/10]:

Secret of Evermore is one of those rare games that the critics hate, but the real players will love. It combines the motion of an action game with the story of an RPG, then throws in brand new elements that have hardly been used in a game, and it creates one gigantic games that has you wanting to come back. Basically, your characters move around the screen, talking to people, buying items and attacking monsters. You can equip yourself with armor and items to help you in your journey. Also you can add alchemy, an ancient form of chemistry, to your massive arsenal. The alchemy system is unlike the magic system used in most RPG games. In this alchemy system, the character much first learn, then find ingredients for a recipe to use it. Overall I found this system to be quite fun and very addictive.

Challenge and Replay [8/10]:

This game had it's rough parts, but the game was fairly easy to pass. By no means am I saying this game is easy, it's just not extremely difficult (like FF3). It's a good game for most players weather they be experienced or not.

I can say that for sure, I will be going back to play this game several times a year. (I already played through it twice.) It's such a fun an ingenious game, it's tough to ignore it. The only turn off to most gamers is the fact that you play a kid. But it really is not big deal.

Conclusion/Overall [9/10]:

While Secret of Evermore isn't the greatest game that Squaresoft has put out, it was an America only title which gave it a better edge because there was no misinterpretations when the game was translated. The graphics are crisp and clean, as are the melodic sounds of the soundtrack. The innovative Alchemy system is one of many reasons to give this game at least a try. And though the challenge isn't that great, the replay value keeps you coming back. I suggest that any RPG and Squaresoft fan try this gem of a game out.

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