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Name: Skiing and Snowboarding Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme   

What you are doing in this game is basically what the cover says. Ski, so you basically ski and snowboard against the king of the hill, Vincent. There are three modes of gameplay, the Freeride mode where you dodge moguls(not pink moguls), fences and other skiers on the slopes. There is also a Compete mode where you ski down slalom and downhill slopes to try to get the best score, and the Practice mode where you can practice for the Slalom Giant Slalom and Downhill of the Compete mode. This game was also endorsed by Val D' Isere and commented as realistic in the Nintendo Power February of 1994.

Graphics [9/10]:

This game has some of the best graphics I have ever seen in a Super Nintendo game, the graphics are in a 3D mode in which you see the back of the skiier. The animation is smooth as silk and really look like a real mountain ski slope. The skiier is very detailed and the sky even changes color in the different places you go through the winding mountain.

Music and Sound [7.5/10]:

The music is pretty exciting, it does not get old fast even though it is samein every single level of the Freeride mode. The sound is pretty realistic when ever you do a tight turn on the snow and on the Compete mode you can even here heartbeatsat the beginning of the slope.

Gameplay: [8/10]:

The gameplay is not so fun, It's fun playing the Freeride mode because it's the most realistic, fun and not repetative, but the two other modes will leave you with a face full of snow.

Challenge and Replay [8.5/10]:

This game is very hard on the Compete mode but it is even harder on Freeride because you have to chose the correct path to take, but unlike Starfox where you chose a path at the end of each level, Winter Extreme lets you change your path in the middle of the level, and you actually have to plan the path you take or else you might end up at the beginning or a level before the one you are on, also, there are a lot of obstacles that I mentioned before, mogules, trees, crazy Skiiers, people riding snowcars,ect. The Competemode is also hard even though it has a password system. You have to get First place to get on to the next level. The replay is not so nice for the compete mode but is excellent for the Freeride mode, I sometimes even play it with blocks on my feet standing up to make the game even more realistic.

Controls [10/10]:

The controlls are very good,every button on the control pad is used for something, you can Jump, slow down, do midair tricks, turn, superturn, and speed up. The funny thing about the controls are that there are ten controll settings, and FIVE OF THEM ARE PLAYS WITH THE CONTRLLER UPSIDE-DOWN! Which is great for lefties!

Conclusion\Overall [7/10]:

This is a very good ski stimulator, You can feel every jump, turn crash and leg sore. But I'd really like to have a racing mode. Skiing and Snowboarding, Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme is the most realistic ski game on the system, but it simply is not very fun.

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