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Name: Street Fighter 2 Turbo   


The Tournament of Street Fighters has begun again. Twelve fighters from across the world have come together to face one another to prove their superior strength, courage, and skill. Each fighter has mastered different skills and special moves, but it will take more than brute force to receive the title of 'Grand Master'.
This time you can play as the four boss characters, in addition to the original eight fighters. You can even change the speed at which the game plays, hence the 'Turbo' in Street Fighter II ;) There's also a couple new moves and techniques to some of the old characters. Street Fighter II:Turbo is a one on one Fighting game.

Graphics [8/10]:

The appearance of this game has only been slightly enhanced from the first Street Fighter II. The characters have a few more details added to it. The backgrounds look a little more sleek. And a few characters have some new projectiles. Not to mention the four bosses you can now play as. But the two major upgrades since it's predicesor, is the speed control, and improved slow down. Street Fighter II:Turbo has the option of playing the game at normal speed, or four different 'Turbo' speeds (Ten with the code). The speeds make the game run faster and smoother. Which brings me to the second upgrade. With the increased speed comes decreased slowing down. The game still slows a little when too much happens on the screen, but it's less noticeable, and doesn't get in the way of your game. All in all the graphics of the game were a good upgrade.

Music and Sound [7/10]:

The music is exactly the same as it was in Street Fighter II. Every level has it's own music, but the music sounds a little tired. It seems that more effort could have been put into the music in this game. As the music is the same, so is the sound. The special effects and punches are the same as in the first SFII. The only new special effects is the phrase Chung Li speaks when she unleashes a fire-ball.

Game Play [8/10]:

Even with the upgraded speed, and added characters. The game is pretty much the same as SFII. You can play as twelve characters. Ryu, E. Honda, Blanka, Guile, Ken, Chung Li, Zangief and Dhalsim are the original eight fighters. Balrog, Vega, Sagot and M. Bison are the four new bosses you can now play as. Even though most of the characters balance out, the bosses seem to be a bit more powerful, than the original eight. Every character has his or her's special moves, like fireballs, upper-cuts, flips, drills and jumps. Just to name a few. There's eight levels of difficulty so that you can work your way up. There is also four (ten with code) levels of speed. You can make the game run super fast, or regular with this new feature, that also adds to the difficulty and fun.
1 or 2-players can play at a time. You can even set your character's power level up or down to handicap one player and help the other. This evens things out between less experienced players and more advanced.

Challenge and Replay [8/10]:

There's eight difficulty levels along with four (ten with the..yadda yadda, you know by now ;) game speeds. That makes for a total of 32 levels of varying difficulty.
(80 with the cheat!) The game has tons of challenge, and will bring experienced gamers back..and back and back! Because of the four new players there is a small degree added to the replay value of this game. But besides that there is nothing different about this game than SFII.

Conclusion/Overall [7.8/10]:

Between this and the original Street Fighter II, I would go with this. But there's still two more Street Fighter games on the Super Nintendo. Buy one of the other two, if you want a Street Fighter game, unless you find this game for a really cheap price. Besides the four extra players and 'turbo' mode, there's not much of a difference between Street Fighter II and it's Turbo sequel.

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