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Name: Street Fighter 2   


The Tournament of Street Fighter has begun. Eight of the world's greatest heroes have come to fight each other and four bosses, to become the Champion Street Fighter. Street Fighter II is the game that revitalized the Fighting genere. After Street Fighter 2 was released, a slew of Fighting games followed. We can thank this game for all of the exellent fighters out there today.

Graphics [7/10]:

The graphics in SF2 doesn't really have too much to offer. The fighters are neat and have some amount of detail, and so do the backrounds, and projectiles. But there is so much slow-down. I have never gone round , let alone an entire fight, without very noticable slowdown. The graphics aren't horrible, but they're not something to write home about. ;)

Music and Sound [7/10]:

The music is bland, but original. ;) Each level has it's own music, but sometimes the music is down right bitty, and choppy. The music really adds nothing to the game, and you'll find yourself turning down the volume and opting for your own music.
The sound FX are a little better. The punches and kicks sound realistic. The characters even say stuff (in Japanesse) when they do a certain move! The sound only has a couple flaws. For one thing, all the different character's kicks and punches sound the same. And some of the speech that is actually in English, is unreconizable.

Game Play [8/10]:

You can choose one of eight fighters to play as. Ryu, Ken, Chung Li, E. Honda, Blanka, Guile, Zangief and Dhalsim. Each has his/her own agenda to win the Street Fighter Tournament. In addition every character has it's own special moves and abilities. Fire-balls, Upper-cuts and more, are some of the moves you can use. The game is either 1 or 2-player. In the two-player mode you and a friend duke it out to see who the true Street Fighter is! Note:You cannot play as the same character in two-player mode.

Challenge and Replay [8/10]:

No matter what difficulty you set the game to, you'll still find it to be pretty tough. The computer has pretty good A.I.(Artificial Inteligents) that counters your moves almost like a real person would. A good replayable game, especially on 2-player mode. You can spend hours trying to best your friend, and vice-versa.

Conclussion/Overall [7.5/10]:

A good fighting game, but it's also the first one of it's type. Since this game was released three other Street Fighter 2s were introduced to the SNES. You'de probably do better buying one of them, because many flaws have been worked out, more characters have been added. And the list goes on.

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