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Name: Super Empire Strikes Back   


The second game in the Super Star Wars series. This is, in my opinion, the best of the trio. The graphics aren't the best, and the sound is a little weaker compared to Super Return of the Jedi, but this game has the greatest gameplay out of the three. And that's what really counts. This time you can control Luke, Han and everyone's favorite Chewbacca. Super Empire Strikes back has one of the best password system that I've ever seen. And the 'Mini-Movies' that play in between each scene are pretty good, considering the power of the SNES.

Graphics [8/10]:

There are two types of levels, side scrolling 2-D platform levels, and 3-D, first person, space ship levels. The 2-D levels are the main levels in the game. They depict the different characters and enemies as a 'real' person, you can see and identify the character's faces. Sadly, there is some slow-down, in these levels, especially when there's a lot of enemies on the screen. Also once in a while there is a some choppy movement that can become annoying but it doesn't really effect game play.
In the 3-D levels (there's three of them) you control a Snowspeeder, the Millennium Falcon, and an X-Wing.
The control and play for these levels is exellent, and far better than the first Super Star Wars game. There is no noticable slow-down, and the graphics run nice and smooth.

Music and Sound [9/10]:

This music is some of the greatest game music! It shadows the movie music, but it still creates it's own feel. The music delivers a big portion into the whole game experience. These aren't the type of music that you can hum out loud..it's too complex for that. Instead you find your-self wishing that you could hum along!
The sound almost comes straight from the movie. The hum of the light saber, the roar of Chewbacca, and the voice overs of the Star Wars characters, make you feel like you're in the movie...well sort of, anyways ;)

Game Play [9/10]:

More fun than a barrel full of Kongs..er Monkeys! ;-) This is a good fun game..but DKC is better. Like in the first Super Star Wars game, there are tons of Power-Ups. The Life Meter can be expanded, the Blaster can be upgraded (Five times!), and Luke can 'learn' the Force! The Bosses are fun to kill, but they give enough of a challenge, so you don't get bored. The 3-D space-ship levels can keep you busy for hours! I love to destroy AT-AT Walkers in my Snow-Speeder, or Shoot down Tie-Fighters in the Millenium Falcon. The controls on the 3-D levels is superb, but the controls on the 2-D levels are a little rough, and touchy. But that's only minor.

Challenge and Replay [10/10]:

There's a great challenge in this game. Even if you use the easy level! (By the way there are three difficulty levels in all.) It's tough trying to kill three Wampas at once!
There is even greater replay, than there is challenge. Especially on the ship levels. No matter how many times I destroy those AT-AT walkers, I just have to go back to destroy another. The exellent password system allows you to do that.

Conclusion/Overall [8.8/10]:

This game has exellent replay value, that is one of the most important things to have in a game. Super Empire Strikes Back, reall delivers a great gaming experience. It could have a couple more features, but none the less, it's still a great action packed game that Star Wars fans and everyone else will enjoy. Let me just say though that this game will leave you want more... Like Super Return of the Jedi!

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