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Name: Super Castlevania 4   

As legend has it; every one hundred years in the small European town of Transylvania, the forces of good mysteriously grow weak, and the forces of darkness gain a foot hold in our world. The evil manifests itself into one of the most feared creatures of myth... the vampire Dracula! The evil being's goal in this world is to transform the planet's population into vampires as himself.
Fortunately, there is a group, a family, that has alway prepared to oppose Dracula. They are the Belmonts, a family that has passed down the secret of vampire slaying and the use of the whip from generation to generation.
They are all that stand between Dracula and his evil forces bent on world corruption. You, Simon Belmont, must travel into the night, into the darkness to defeat the most horrid monsters of this world. Your failiure means certain doom for this realm.
Castlevania is a 1-player Side Scrolling-Action game. There is no rating for the game, but I would have to give it a 'T' (Teen) rating for this game because it deals with remnates of the dead. (Although by today's standards it would be rated 'K-A', I believe it is not sutible for very young children.)

Graphics [8/10]:

Castlevania IV was created in 1991. The graphics in this game paved the way for future designs and ideas. Utilizing an enhancment known as 'Mode 7' Castlevania IV delivers some very impressive effects and enemy bosses. The main character, Simon, is highly detailed for a sprite made in '91. As are his numberous enemies and obstacles. Playing through this game, I could hardly believe that it was made nearly a decade ago. Some of the effects in the game (Such as a rotating room) will probably never look outdated or old. My only quarrels with the graphics is that every so often there is a bit of a slowdown, and some of the enemies are a little fuzzy looking.

Music and Sound [8/10]:

The music does a great job to add a gothic, fearful mood to the game. Although some of the music is a bit bland and sometimes almost non-existant, I still believe it was nicely done and deserves some recognition.
The sound effects in Castlevania IV were rather realistic. The sound of falling bones fills the speakers as you defeat a skeletal warrior, your whip snaps through the air as you pick off bats in the air. And Simon Belmont screams as he breathes his last breath.

Game Play [9/10]:

The best way to describe this game is, 'An updated classic.' Castlevania IV is a really fun game. I mean, what could be more fun than going around and beating up monsters all the way up to Dracula, the mother (or father) of all monsters. The controls of the game only add to the funfactor. They run smooth and are easy to emulate. To put it simply, this game grows on you. The more you play it, the more you love it.

Challenge and Replay [7/10]:

While many levels in the game are frusterating and incredibly tough (like Dracula's level) the game isn't terrible immpossible to beat. Persistance and practice eventually enable you to pass a board or end boss. One great thing about this game is that once you've beaten it, you can start back from the beginning on a harder difficulty. This will definatly increase the game's replayability.

Conclusion/Overall [8/10]:

Super Castlevania IV is an extremely fun Action game. The graphics are a bit old, but they still look as exellent as they did back in '91. The music and sound could stand to be a bit better, but they still do a good job in delivering quality. And as for the Game Play and Replay? Well you'll be stuck at this game for over a week straight. The challenge could have stood to be a bit greater, but with the extended 'loop game' it'll keep you busy.
I recommend this game to anyone who likes action games with a dark age feel to it. Anyone else, I would reccommend that they rent it if possible.

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