This has got to be one of the most original role playing
games I have ever played. Almost to the point of being
downright weird! You play the part of the son of a world
famous inventor. Your father has built an "invention machine"
which you are dying to get your hands on. But unfortunately
a band of pirates called "hackers" have invaded your town
and now with the help of the invention machine you have to
take on the "hackers" and save the town. With the use of the
invention machine you are able to custom build a robot and
also upgrade this robot as you gain new mechanical peices or
more knowledge of robotics. So take my word for it, if
you're tired of the same old same old RPGs then this game
might be just what you're looking for.
Graphics [7.5/10]:
The graphics in this game are a far cry from what we have
come to expect from Enix. They game looks almost 8 bit in a
lot of places so prepare to be a little dissapointed. I was
very surprised to actually see lame graphics in an Enix game
and I must admit it was hard for me to overlook especially
since the game was a bit difficult to stay into as it was.
Music and Sound [7.5/10]:
Well prepare yourself for yet another letdown. If you
thought the graphics were lame, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
It got to the point where I actually turned down the volume
because I couldn't take the same old repetetive music that
wasn't that great to begin with. And for those of you out
there who are used to the beautiful sounds normally
associated with most Square games then you ears are gonna
bleed on this one. Is it really that bad. Let me put it this
way...if someone gave me a choice of having the music in
this game, or no music at all...I'd say scrap the soundtrack
and give me silence anyday.
Gameplay [7.5/10]:
Well it just keeps getting better and better. And believe me
that was about as sarcastic a sentence as I have ever used.
I must admit that having payed a lot of Square RPGs I am
probably a bit spolied but I found the play control and
overall gameplay in this game to be boring, redundant, and
for lack of a better word, downright pitiful. Even the
originality of using the robot in combat didn't even come
close to making up for it.
Challenge & Replay [6/10]:
The challenge of Robotrek is a little above average. And as
for the replay value, don't worry about it because even if
you do stick with this game and actually finish the game,
you'll not likely ever pick the game up again. Say hello to
your new coaster.
Conclusion/Overall [7/10]:
I hate to totally run a game into the ground but this game
just left a bad taste in my mouth. And it's not that the
game is that terrible, it's just so average throughout most
of the game and coupled with the numeroud moments of below
average gaming, I just can't reccomend this game to anyone
other than the most diehard of Enix fans. And although I
have always loved Enix games, I will not likely ever play
this game again. I might also give this game the nod for
those who are just looking for something extremely different
from just about any other RPG I have ever played. And if you
think I'm overstating myself pick this game up and then I'll
tell you I told you so! I surprised Enix even put their name
on the box.