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Name: Paladin's Quest   

10,000 years ago Kormu, Sophie and the great Lord Gabnid brought peace, love and magic to the world of Lennus. The two Continents of Naskuot and Saskuot were united.
But now the two continents are almost at war again, Gabnid, Sophie and Kormu have been either dead, or gone from Lennus for over 10,000 years. But little of this concerns young Chezni, who is attending the famed 'School of Magic' on the continent of Naskuot. One day, after classes, Duke, challenged Chezni to climb the Tower of Gabnid, that was located on the end of the school, with him. Chezni accepted and the two of them started climbing it together. They reached a machine of some sort and started to fiddle with it.
The tower began to shake, Duke ran away, and a huge monster rendered Chezni, uncontious. When Chezni awoke, and to his horror, the school was destroyed and all of the students dead. As Chezni began to head for the closest town, he saw the Master teacher, "Chezni! What have you done? You've activated the ancient beast Dal Gren..." confused the Master gave him an impossible task, "You must stop the beast, head towards Ratsurk, there you will find help...hurry!" And so Chezni's adventure began...
Paladin's Quest is a 1-player RPG. It's not like the Final Fantasy series..it uses it's own ideas, and has drastically different themes.

Graphics [8/10]:

At first the game's graphics seem to be a bit cheesy or even down right cheap. But as the game progresses you begin to see the excellence that was put into the graphics. For the most part the graphics are bright and colorful, or dark and eerie. The characters look a little rough in their animation, but they're still done fairly good.
There's two main types of screens, the over-head map (similar to the Final Fantasy series) and the First person battle screen. The over head map screen looks like a slightly less polished Final Fantasy. The graphics look, a little less cutting edge, and more cartoon like than in most other RPG's.
The battle screen is the most unique one I've seen in an RPG yet. You see from the party's perspective, the information on your party appears at the bottom of the screen in four boxes. (One box per member) You have menus to select from, the rest of the screen is devoted to the enemies.
The backgrounds and towns vary a great deal, and indeed can set the tone for the story line. Bright and colorful areas are used for happy areas...Dark and Gothic colors outline the sinister areas. The overall graphics look like a less polished Final Fantasy III, They're pretty good, but not the best on the system.

Music and Sound [8/10]:

The music is ok... for the first third of the game, there's only about five tracks, used over and over. I was about to give up hope on the sound and turn on the radio, when *GASP* I heard a new track. The music only got better from there. After the first third of the game is behind you...there's many new music tracks. It's not the best music I've ever heard, but it's good none the less.
The sound is amazing in this game. Every different sword, whip, arrow make a different sound when hitting the enemy. The magic spells also have completely different sounds..the Sound effects on Paladin's Quest are some of the best on any RPG.

Game Play [10/10]:

Paladin's Quest is a fun game. It uses some familiar features mixed with completely new, never before seen game play that makes it a new and unique experience.
The Story is great! It's not the best story line out there, but it has more plot twists and new ideas, than most other RPGs out there! The story on this game was definitely thought through. The game plays like this. You walk on the overhead view, go into towns, talk to people learn about things, and continue on to your next objective. While not in towns, you can be randomly attacked. You then go into the first person view, in the battle mode. You can then select what you want your character(s) to do. You have an of the following choices, Defend, Run, Use Magic, Attack with: Head, Right item, Left item, Head, Kick, Armor, Belt. Each of the 'Attack with' categories can be equipped with Swords, Bows, Helmets, and much more!
Once you've beaten a battle you receive expiriance points, that can help you level up! Then after the battles, you explore towns, meet people, or try to get into more random fights! In towns- You can learn new magic, purchase Weapons and restorative Items, Rest and save your game, and even hire up to two mercenaries! Mercenaries are found in Taverns all over the world of Lennus, each has his/her own special skills.
The game is pretty long too! It took me about a month to beat it..I played it every day and spent every waking moment on it...well almost every moment. But if you want a really long..but good game, look no further.

Challenge and Replay [8/10]:

PQ is tough, but not impossible. I found that if there was a seemingly impossible area to beat, I would just run around the world fighting 'lesser' enemies and level up my character. Doing this helps you to stay above the games difficulty. But for those who like a ton of challenge...just run through the game without stopping to level up. You will build up your levels, but much slower...causing the game to become much harder. There's also a maze towards the end of the game, that's almost impossible to beat...Don't beleive me, buy the game, try it out...it'll eat up a good three or so hours!
As for replay value..well there isn't too much to go back for. I will eventually play this game again to see what I've missed and find a few secrets, but there isn't too much to keep you coming back to this game.

Conclusion/Overall [8.5/10]:

For anyone looking for a change from the regular RPG and doesn't mind less polished graphics, not to mention a bit annoying item system, Paladin's Quest is the game to own. It's one of the best and over looked RPG's out there.

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