Some time in the future a scientist named Lester Knight Chaykin, is
conducting some sort of experiment. Some how, by accident or on
purpose, he is transported from his lab, to the bottom of a reservoir.
He swims up, and after some exploring comes across some sort of beast.
Lester Knight, runs, but it looks as though he will be caught. Then a
laser blast shoots out from behind a group of rocks, and shoots the
creature dead. A strange humanoid creature emerges from the rocks. But
in mere, seconds the creature fires at Lester and is rendered
Out of This World is a 1-player side-scrolling
action/adventure/thinking game. Whew! ;) Some might call this an RPG,
but it's really not. There's aspects of all types of games in Out of
This World (OTW) but it doesn't really fit any perticular one of them.
Graphics [8/10]:
The game is played using polygon renderings. While these don't look
quite "up to snuff" with some of the more recent SNES games using this
technology, they are still rather impressive. You play as Lester
Knight Chaykrin through out the entire game. He jumps, walks, and
shoots with rather realistic movements. There isn't too much variety
in the enemies you encounter, but there is enough. One of the major
down falls with the graphics , is the slowdown. Most of the time there
is a huge amount of things happening on the screen at once, and the
game noticeably slows down. It's not terrible, but it does get
annoying.The colors are not quite as vivid and bright as they should
be. Also on this game is excellent movie cut-scenes. The movies, like
the game itself, are done in polygons. But the movies have close-ups
run faster and look better. The opening scene would have been good
enough, but there's several movies between some levels, mini-movies in
between sections, and even 'death' movies that run if your character
dies a certain way. The movies are a huge addition to this game.
Music and Sound [7/10]:
I like the way the music is put together and the way it works, but
there isn't enough variety to it. When you enter a dangerous situation
the music changes, from a mellow sound to a hyped-up action sound.
This is really cool until 3/4 of the way through the game, when you
can predict which music will play when. The music is good, but there's
not too many different tracks in the game. It gets old.
The sound effects are good, and there is a little more variety in
them, than in the music. There's lasers, super laser, doors opening,
foot steps, punches and a little speech, for sound effects. But even
though there is a bit of variety, it really doesn't have as much as it
Game Play [9/10]:
Out of This World has so many things going for it. It's part
action/adventure/thinking games. Throw in a little story, and you
almost have an epic of a game. You get a laser (that can be charged,
if you hold in the fire button) that can shoot lasers, create a weak
force-field, and shoot a super blast. All of this is used to try and
escape your alien captors. You can shoot the guards, but out smarting
them seems to work a little better. There's switches, levers, and
special maneuvers that you must find and discover to advance to the
next area. OTW is a semi-realistic game. Lester can't jump half way
across the screen. He can only make humanly possible jumps. One hit
from a weapon can kill him or the enemies (you can evade weapon fire).
And falling a couple hundred feet actually kills you ;) There's so
many unique and fun things you can do in this game.
Challenge and Replay [9/10]:
This game is very VERY tough. You have to use fast reflexes and your
wit to pass this game. It's not uncommon to have to replay the level
anywhere from four to fifteen times! You do have infinite lives, so
you can take your time, and figure out the levels your stuck on.
There isn't too much in the way of replay. I'll be going back to play
it many times, but once you know what to do, it sort-of ruins it. But
then again knowing what to do and pulling it off are two different
Conclusion/Overall [8.2/10]
Why this game hasn't been released as a players choice? I don't know.
But thinking about this game one word comes to mind 'Classic'. This is
the type of game, given half a chance, could easily become a classic.
This isn't a game for younger players, not because of content, but
because of the difficulty and timing needed for this game. If your
looking for a beatable challenge and an all around fun game (and don't
mind a little slow down) Out of This World is for you.