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Name: Ms. Pac Man   

Ms. Pac-Man's back, and now she's even better. the classic 1981 sequel to Pac-Man is arcade perfect on the SuperNes (I should know, I have a Pac-Man upright with Ms. Pac in it too) except for the maze scrolling because of the difference between screen sizes. Ms Pac features 36 unique mazes including the arcades original 4. You also get a Pac-Booster button to increase your speed. Ms. Pac features 1 player, 2 player alternating, and 2 player competitive (One as Ms. Pac-Man and the other is Pac-Man).

Graphics [7/10]:

If this was 1981 I would be giving this game a 10/10 (I was tempted to). The graphics are arcade perfect but as you can imagine don't compare with most Snes games. But the graphics are still nice, everything from Ms. Pac's dimple to the ghost eyes are included.

Music and Sound [10/10]:

I know what your thinking, a 19 year old arcade game getting a perfect score, yeah right. But the truth is the sound is great. You will get tears in your eyes the first time you here the famous opening theme at the beginning of every maze, and it still sounds great after all these years! All the sound effects are great and sound exactly like the arcade!!!

Game Play [10/10]:

The game play still is great today also. You will love going through mazes eating power pellets and those pesky ghost(especial Pinky). But game play can get a little repetitive just going around mazes but it will take a long time. Do yourself a favor and put down that copy of FF8 and see invest 10 bucks and see what game play is, you wont be sorry.

Challenge and Replay [10/10]:

It will be a while before you really master this game, i've been playing 19 years and I still have stuff to learn. Along with this and the excellent 2 player mode you will have a lot to come back to with this little gem.

Conclusion/Overall [10/10]:

A perfect little game that you can find for 10 bucks at your local Wal-Mart or Kay-Bees. You will get countless hours of enjoyment out of this game. Overall its just about the best thing you can get for ten bucks in the late 20th Century. I congratulate Digital Eclipse team consisting of Matt Schneider, Mike Bazzell, Andrew Ayre, Dan Filner, Lawrence Hiler, and Jeff Vavasour for emulating this great arcade game for play on your SuperNes.

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