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Name: Mega Man X   

Dr. Cain was digging around and accidently stumbled upon the capsule that contains Mega Man X. Dr. Cain realized that X's designs(some call Mega Man X just "X" for short) were beyond anything the world has seen and that Dr. Light(Mega Man X's creator) is a genuis. Mega Man X is a robot with the ability to have human feelings and to make his own decisions. Using Dr. Light's notes, Dr. Cain builds some more reploids(robots that can think on their own). These reploids are peaceful for awhile, but then most of them go Maverick(they start to hurt humans because they feel superior to them). The Maverick reploids are led by Sigma, who used to be a Maverick hunter before going crazy himself. Sigma feels that humans are inferior and are in the way of reploid making progress, so he wants all humans to be destroyed. Mega Man X now joins the war on the side of the Maverick Hunters(led by a robot named Zero), to end the threat of Sigma and his reploid army.

Graphics [8.5/10]:

The characters in Mega Man X are very well drawn and different colors were used effectively. Most of the special effects on this game are good quality. I guess the only thing wrong is some animations may seem a little jerky, but it is hard to notice sometimes. The backgrounds on this game are good too, and fit the different stages very well.

Music and Sound [10/10]:

I can't stress how much I like the music on this game! Some may disagree with me here, but the music in this game sounds like something you would here on a comic superhero cartoon show. The music fits the theme of Mega Man X being a superhero perfectly. I especially like the first stage theme, the stage select music, and Launch Octopus's stage music. The music is also a combination of sci-fi and rockin type music. The sound effects are good too. You can hear Mega Man X's X-Buster charge up when you hold the fire button. Also, heavier robots make a sound when they hit the ground. The explosions on this game have nice sounds to them as well.

Gameplay [9.5/10]:

This game is also very fun to play. I like the idea of an opening stage, it gives you a chance to at least figure the game out without getting whooped for picking the wrong stage. I also think it is neat that you don't start out with full power. You must find items to give you more maximum life, and there are four tanks you can find that will refill your life. You can also find capsules with a hologram of Dr. Light that will give you a dash move, a helmet that can break some ceilings, better armor, and an improvement for your X-Buster. You still have the traditional Mega Man "get the enemies weapon after you beat them" deal. You also have most of the other traditional Mega Man stuff, like beating another boss with the weapon you took from the previous one.

Challenge and Replay [8/10]:

Although some may disagree with me on this one, I didn't think this game was too challenging. Maybe I just play too many video games. Well, let me put it this way, this game is not nearly as tough as some games out there like the NES versions of Battletoads, Ghosts and Goblins, Zelda 2, and the list goes on. The sole challenge in this game is picking the correct order to fight the Maverick bosses. Like other Mega Man games, you use one weapon on another boss and keep up this process. It just takes awhile to figure it out. Anyone who wants my personal suggestion on the right order, e-mail me at rand@eagle.cc.ukans.edu. This game does have a little replay if you didn't find all of the hidden items. I didn't find all of them the first time, I would play it over again, and find some more. Also, if you are into some more challenge, try taking on the Maverick bosses in different orders.

Conclusion/Overall [9.5/10]:

I like this game because it is easy to get into. It is an improvement from the NES version in almost every aspect. This is a great game for anyone who likes action/superhero type games. I like this game because it's fun to play, it has good music, and the hidden items give this game some replayability.

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