Kirby the marshmello has made it to Super Nes.Kirby also stars on other gemes
for Super Nes but they all were a flops.Until Kirby's Super Star. The biggest
kirby game ever. Kirby's Super Star is a 32 megabit game with 9 games one of
the game has to be unlocked.
Graphics [10/10]:
The Graphics on Kirby's Super Star are the best of any Super Nes game I have
ever seen execpt for the Donkey kong Country Sreies.The graphic show alot of
detail.The detail encludes,Trees and the sparkle of the water.
Music and Sound [9/10]:
The music on the game is pretty good.I espically like the boss music. The
sound on this game is preety cool also. The sounds consist of explosion and
power up noises and Kirby sucking in bad guys.
Gameplay [9/10]:
The gameplay is almost to good to be true. The game never slows down.Only
when there are alot of people on the screen.
Challenge and Replay [9/10]:
This game consists of 9 games one of the games is hidding.Nintendo and Halken
both did a rating on each of the 9 games to tell you the diffculity. The
Replay value on this game is so high. This is my friends game and I have
barrowed it about 8 times now.
Conclusion/Overall [8/10]:
This Game is a must for people who are big Kirby fans like myself. Kirby's
Super Star is rated K-A or E because of Animated Violence.You can probaley
get this game for around $39.99 at Funcoland or you can find it cheaper at any
other store.