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Name: Jurrasic Park   


Though the game is very loosly based on the movie, it's still a good game. The story is pretty basic and simple, a malfunction has shut down the park, you (Dr. Grant) must turn on the computers, reset the electric fences and a number of other difficult tasks to escape the island. The game has a unique approach to the Game-Play and graphics, like all of Ocean's (Publisher) games.

Graphics [8/10]:

Jurassic Park has two types of levels, an outside over head enviroment, and a 3-D "Doom" like, inside levels. Both of the levels are used equally.
The outside levels are..well out side. You see an over view of Dr. Grant , and can move in any diection. The dinosuars, weapons and even the tree's are exellently rendered. If this game was only in this view, I would still be extremely satisfied.
The 3-D indoor levels are also done well. If you've played Doom on the SNES..you'll think that this used the same engine. (But it didn't) I thought that this was a poor descition for Ocean to make. The SNES, I thought, wouldn't be able to handle these types of graphics. I was wrong....there is only a couple glitches in the game, and those are only things, like walking through walls...but you can always walk back out. Jurassic Park is truly a unique game when it comes to graphics.

Music and Sound [9/10]:

There is a wide variety of music for Jurassic Park. different area's have different music to fit the mood of the level. The music switches sound track pretty smoothly, there is a tiny skip some times, but it's too small to really mention....In the 3-D levels when you enter an elevator, there's even elevator music!
The Sound effects are also done well. Among the weapons, the cattle prod doesn't sound like the missile launcher. The Tranquilizer has no resembalance to the sound of the Bola! Every weapon has it's own unique sound. Same goes for the dinosaurs! The raptors and spitters sound nothing a like, and the compies don't sound like the triceratops. There is a variety of sounds in JP..it makes me wonder how big the cartrige is.

Game Play [8/10]:

There is only one thing that is seriously wrong with this game..there is no save feature. Not even a lousy password system. The game takes an average gamer 7-10 hrs to beat. I can't sit and play that long...so that means you have to keep your system on for a long time...just like all the old NES games >Sigh<
That being said..lets talk about the good stuff. In both the over head levels and 3-d levels, Dr. Grant can use the following weapons, cattle prod >Bzzzz< , shot gun, missile launcher, tranquilizer gun, gas grenade, bola. Each weapon needs to be equiped with ammo, except the cattle prod. Each weapon has it's own uniqueness and powers. Other items include dino-eggs, first-aid kits, Access cards, Nerve Gas, Batteries (to activate night vision goggles) and much more. All the items in the game are needed to advance to the next building/section. Jurassic Park delivers awsome game play!

Challenge and Replay [8/10]:

It can be tough trying to figure out what to do next, or destroy five raptors in one room. It's not an immpossible game, but it is rough. Replay the game is something you'll only want to do twice a year or so. That might not sound good, but when starting another game, you'll want to finish it. (even if the ending stinks) But remember that a game isn't about it's ending...it's about Gameplay!

Conclusion/Overall [8.2/10]:

The only major problem with this game is it's lack of any password or save feature..but remember there IS a pause button. Jurassic Park is a commonly looked over game. Ask some one if they've played Super Mario World..chances are they'll say yes, but ask them if they've even seen Jurassic Park (The Game) for the SNES and you'll get a blank stare.


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