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Name: Justice League   


Any fan of D.C. comics will love this game. It's a good game, but also another Street Fighter2 clone.
Darkseid, an evil alien, has unleashed his diabolical plan, that will pit hero against hero. He wishes to rule the universe (That was a shock ;) and he's begining with earth. Along with his two hench men, he has the power to rule the world with an iron fist. Only you can stop him and his minions. There is only one question that remains, "Which hero will you choose?"

Graphics [8/10]:

The graphics depict the characters like they look in the comic books. Batman looks like Batman, the Flash looks like the Flash and so on. There's nine characters(good and bad) so there's nine world levels, with nine backrounds. Some backrounds look better than others, but they're all neatly done, and contain some pretty cool graphics. Every character has a couple special moves. Only one or two of these moves doesn't look graphically superb, but they're all done well. One of the major problems with the graphics of this game is slowdown time. It doesn't always occur, but it substantially slows down at certain points. This problem isn't that bad, but it is a hinderance.

Music and Sound [9/10]:

The music is the best I've heard on a fighter game. It really suites the level your playing at. Weather it be the dark and gothic sounds of Gotham city or the wretched and evil sounds of Apokolips(Darkseid's world) , or even still the serene sounds of Green Arrow's 'forest' level. I was very immpressed with the music of this game.
The sound effects are like wise good! Punches, heat ray vision, Bat-a-rangs, whirlwinds, head-butts, just to name few, are some of the sound FX heard through out the game. All of the effects sound like they were recorded on a sound studio for a movie. There are no cheap sound effects here!

Game Play [9/10]:

There's three modes of play. The Story mode is 1-player only. You play the game and fight numberous enemies and get a little bit of a story after each battle, until it all unfolds at the end of the game. The story isn't great, but it adds some depth to the game play. The Battle mode is for 1 or 2-players. You can play as any of the heroes or villians. The computer goes through random battles instead of the story line battles, which follow the same basic path. The Versus mode is 2-player only. You and a friend can fight as any of the characters, even as the same one. You can even select your own characters power, to give a handicap to a more experienced player.
The heroes of Justice League:Task Force are Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman and Green Arrow. Each has his/her own uniquie moves, strength, and power. They're all pretty well balanced, but they all have there own "feel". The Villians are Cheeta, Despero and Darseid.

Challenge and Replay [9/10]:

In Justice League:Task Force, there's five levels of difficulty. Giving it a wide range of selection, and playability, no matter what your experience is. The game gives you a challenge if you want it, or a simple game if your in that type of mood.
With the exellent 2-player feature, and the multiple difficulty settings, it's no wonder this is a highly replayable game. One other thing that makes this game so great is the fact that there are no annoying sounds, or very horrible music. This game delivers!

Conclussion/Overall [8.7/10]:

Justice League:Task Force is one of the best figher games on the system. One of it's major flaws is the fact that it plays and controls so much like Street Fighter2. There are improvements over the game, but I think the company(Blizzard/Akklaim) should have come up with some original movements. All in all there is only a few minor things wrong with every catagory. But those minor things cost the game a perfect score. A good title none the less, though.

Move Of All Characters

The moves are for when the character is facing right. When facing left the joystick movements are reversed.
Key: Up=U, Down=D, Left=L, Right=R, Lower Right=LR, Upper Right=UR, Lower Left=LL, Upper Left=UL.

Heat Vision- D, LR, R and Punch
- shoots a red energy burst Hover- D, LL, L and Kick.
- hovers on the level
- land by pressing any Kick Dive Attack- Hover first, then hit any Punch
- dives toward opponent on the ground Flying Thrust Punch- L, LL, D, LR, R and Kick
- body soars across screen, with an extended fist Freeze Breath- R, LR, D, LL, L and Punch
- freezes anyone who comes in contact with

Batarang- D, LR, R and Punch
- throws a Batarang Glide Kick- D, LL, L and Kick
- jumps up in air, then soars back down with kick Spinning Side Kick- L, LL, D, LR, R and Kick
- twirls Robin... er spins and kicks ;) Smoke Bomb Drop Kick- R, LR, D, LL, L and Kick
- shoots Batarang in the air, lands on opponent
Wonder Woman:

Hover- D, LL, L and Kick
- hovers on the level
- land by pressing any Kick Dive Attack- Hover first, then hit any Punch
- dives toward opponent on the ground Wrist Guard Reflect- D, LL, L and Punch
- reflects any projectiles for a brief time Magic Lasso- D, LR, R and Punch
- throws out a lasso, drag opponent closer
- can Kick, Punch, ect, the opponent Springing Flip Kick- D, LR, R and Kick
- kicks several times The Flash:

Tornado Blast- D, LR, R and Punch
- a mini tornado acts like a projectile Dashing Uppercut- R then D, LR, R and Punch
- runs across the screen and uppercuts Quick Dash- R, LR, D, LL, L and Kick
- runs so fast, appears on different ends of the level Speed Punches- Any Punch continuously
- hands move so fast they become a blur Aquaman:

Water Blast- D, LR, R and Punch
- a water projectile races across the board Spinning Uppercut Punch- L, LL, D, LR, R and Punch
- spins, then performs uppercut Leaping Slam Punch- R, LR, D, LL, L and Punch
- jumps in the air, comes down with a mighty force Slide Kick- L, LL, D, LR, R and Kick
- slides and Kicks Green Arrow:

Flame Arrow- D, LR, R and Punch
- a flaming projectile arrow Jumping Arrow- D, LL, L and Punch
- jumps and shoots an arrow across the top Ice Arrow- D, LR, R and Kick
- shoots an arrow that can freeze your opponent Jumping Diagonal Down Arrow- D, LL, L and Kick
- jumps and shoots an arrow diagonally down Cheetah:
Jumping Claw Uppercut- R then D, LR, R and Punch
- does an uppercut Gliding Claw Slash- L, LL, D, LR, R and Kick
- attacks will claws, starting from the top corner Rolling Claw Slash - D, LL, L and Punch
- rolls and slashes with claw Despero: Eye Blast- D, LR, R and Punch
- shoots an energy ball from third eye Leaping Kick- D, LL, L and Kick
- jumps in the air and downwardly kicks Leaping Head Fin Thrust- R then D, LR, R and Punch
- head-butts across half the screen Darkseid:

Eye Blast- D, LR, R and Punch
- shoots Omega beams out of eyes Sliding Backhand Punch- L, LL, D, LR, R and Punch
- slides across the screen and punches Jumping Head Stomp- L, LL, D, LR, R and Kick
- jumps and stomps on opponents head Leaping Knee Kick- R then D, LR, R and Kick
- jumps and knees an opponent

Remember! All these moves are for when the character is facing right. When facing left the joystick movements are reversed.

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