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Name: Indian Jones: Greatest Adventures   

The game starts with (what else?) Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark. And wouldn't you know it? He starts at the ruins with the golden idol inside. You know what happens then, but the game skips a little bit, like the guide running off and leaving Indy to his doom, but they don't skip the boulder part.

Graphics [9/10]:

The graphics are really good, and it has scenes from all the movies. The backgrounds are elaborate, as well as the foregrounds and the leaves that are in some levels. Also there are many different enemies, from the movie and otherwise, like men in loincloths with blowguns and detailed bosses.

Music and Sound [6/10]:

The music is great and reminds you of the movie. The music can make you feel like cheering or could send a chill up your spine (like the temple of doom music). Also you can hear the whip crack and hear him go OW when he gets hit, also, when enemies using swords swing, YOU HEAR IT! And you can hear it when Indy punches, wether or not he hits.

Game Play [8/10]:

This a fun game to play because the variety of things you can do, the whip isn't only a weapon, it's also a means of transportation across pits! You can whip a peg and swing on it without getting hurt (In fact you can hurt your enemies without any health removed while you're swinging). And of course, you can punch certain items and watch them slide into your enemies then watch them fly back with the item you hit(you can roll and do the same thing too). Also there are some interesting fights, and one very menacing, very easy character (remember the black-clad swordsman in Cairo?).

Challenge and Replay [7/10]:

This game has multiple level settings, and I still haven't beaten the game even on the easiest setting. The levels are also very replayable, because except for the first 2 levels, there are many different ways you can go. You can also play Tarzan, whipping and swinging then letting go, turning around, then catching whatever you were swinging on. There are also a few special levels where you aren't running around. These are the levels like when Indy's plane crashes near Bangkok, when Indy is trying to escape from the temple of doom on the mine carts(another tough one) and the bi-plane flight in the last crusade, shooting down other planes before they do it to you.

Overall [7.5/10]:

This is a fun game with a few interesting secrets, and a few places where you can make Indy look cool. It has great graphics, good sound and good replayability because of the multiple difficulty settings and the overall quality of the levels (I always play the level after Indy's plane crash). I recommend that you try the game, but I'm not sure if the ROM will sound and look the same as the cartridge, which is the one I played.

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