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Name: Harvest Moon   

You are a farmer who is left alone with his farm. It's like this: Your parents are away for two and 1/2 years, leaving you with a ranch and a broken-down farm. Your job is to fix up the farm and become a millionaire, using the back hill, cows, chickens and crops as sources of revenue. Simple, huh? Don't count on it! Video game days only last about 2 1/2 minutes of real time, and your social life gets in the way, too. That's right, to get the best ending you also need to get married and raise a family!

Graphics [9/10]:

OK graphics. A step down from Final Fantasy III, but a step up from Final Fantasy II. Some good pictures include your ranch and other buildings (and vegetables). The bad ones include the characters (not exactly bad, but...) and some of the backgrounds.

Music and Sound [9/10]:

Some good tracks include the mountain and the town (both very fitting). Some bad ones include the spring theme (you hear it too much!) and the dwarf theme (plain annoying). However, the sounds are good stuff, even though you never get to here that cow's moo! ;-)

Game Play [10/10]:

This is a very fun game. That is because it lasts FOREVER (30 days in a season, 4 seasons per year, 2 1/2 years). The play control is also good. There are over 10 items to help you get the job done! Oh yeah, the story, although boring, is interesting enough to keep you going. The only bad thing about the game is that, well... the plot isn't quite the best thinge ever.

Challenge and Replay [10/10]:

This is a TOUGH game! That is not because it's actually tough on its own, though. It's because when you get a wife, you have a time limit if you plan on keeping her. It's also because this game is long. It takes the average person at least 10 hours if you keep working into the night! (or if you are dating Eve, who works nights)

Conclusion/Overall [9.5/10]:

Harvest Moon is the best SNES game that doesn't have a very good story. The story may be bad in some places (IE the whole farming thing), but most of the rest is awesome! If you like RPGs or Simulation games, rent it. If you don't really like them, rent it! However, if you hate that gender of video games, don't play it.

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