This game could have also been called Tool Time because the entire game takes place on the Tool Time set. Anyways, the game starts off with Tim, his three sons, and Al all on the Tool Time set. Some new Binford tools have just came out and Tim can't wait to try them out, but alas, they have all been stolen. Now Tim must search all of the different sets on Tool Time to find the stolen tools. There are four different settings, Prehistoric set, Ancient Egypt set, haunted house set, and the sci-fi set.
Graphics [10/10]:
The animations in this game are very fluid and everyone moves as smooth as butter. The first part of the game looks almost exactly like the T.V. show. The home improvement logo comes on, and when the characters talk to each other on Tool Time, it shows a close up on their face that makes you feel like you are watching the show itself instead of playing the game. All the characters seem very well drawn too.
Music and Sound [6.5/10]:
The only good thing about the music is it plays the Home Improvement opening song when you first turn the game on, and it has the Tool Time theme. However, when you play the stages, the music doesn't change until you make it to the next set. The same music can get rather old after four stages, and it is enough to drive a sane man/woman insane. The music does fit the theme for each set well, but they should change it from level to level, not from set to set. The sound effects in this game are good, but it doesn't make up for the lack of music. You can hear Tim's nail gun firing, and the dinosaurs growl when they are shot. You can even hear Tim's jackhammer pounding into the ground. The other weapons and tools make cool and appropriate sounds too.
Gameplay [7/10]:
First off, this game is too hard and there is no way to save your progress. There is no password, no save feature, nothing. By the time you make it to the last set, you are so worn out you can't go on. This is one of the few SNES games I own that I haven't beaten. The game stages are also monotonous, as you will spend much time going bonkers trying to find your way through the maze and knocking out walls to find the missing tool parts. Some mazes are ludicrous(like the Ancient Egypt set). However, the fact that Tim has access to many different weapons and tools make this game a little interesting. Tim can use his jackhammer to get through weak floors. He can use a regular hammer to knock out weak walls. The different weapons are a nailgun, chainsaw, dynamite(sucks), flamethrower(fire, fire, heh heh!), and the arc welder(my personal favorite). If Tim picks up another weapon that is the same as what he has, that weapon will be stronger. However, it doesn't get any stronger after having three of the same weapon. I guess the different weapons give this game a little depth and some fun.
Challenge and Replay [10/10]:
This game has plenty of challenge. It's a challenge just to get to the last set of levels without being worn out yourself due to the lack of a save or password feature. This game needs a save or password feature really bad. I couldn't tell you how much replay this game has, because I have never beaten it. I did make it to the last set once.
Conclusion/Overall [7/10]:
This game will probably only be enjoyed by fans of the show. Of course, most people do like this show. Anyways, if you have never seen the show because you are a cavedweller, you should not bother playing this game. It is not a bad game, it's just that with the SNES, there are so many high quality games out there. You should spend your time and money on the top notch games. However, Home Improvement is probably at least worth a rental.