Gundam Wing: Endless Duel is a fighting game based on the TV series. If you haven't seen Gundam Wing, you don't know what you're missing. In the game, you take the role of one of the famous Gundams or an Oz mobile suit and fight all the other mobile suits.
Graphics [10/10]:
The graphics in this game are top-notch for an SNES fighter. Some games I could do better graphics on an Etch-A-Sketch. But not here. Quality graphics are what make this game stand out as a great fighter.
Sound and Music [9/10]:
Not only graphics make a game, you have to have good music and sound effects. This game has great music and some pretty good sound effects, although the effects could have been better.
Gameplay [10/10]:
This game just excels in gameplay. Who wouldn't want to take on the role of one of the Gundam pilots or an Oz official and whoop some mobile suit butt? The text is in Japanese when you win (or, alternatively, lose), but that's it. The names of the suits and pilots are in English, as well as the Main Menu, which is always a good thing. ;)
Challenge and Replay [9/10]:
The challenge mostly comes in the form of the final boss, Epyon. Other than that, the Trial Mode is the challenging part of the game. As you progress in Trial Mode, your enemies get smarter and wise up to your attacks. This can prove deadly in the end.
Overall [10/10]:
Overall, I would have to say this game is the best SNES fighter I have come across in my long gaming life (since the original NES when I was 5). Combining superb graphics with great music and sound is a killer combo when put up against other games of the same genre. If you haven't played this game, I suggest you find an import or download the ROM. Just remember, you might get addicted to the sweet graphics. :)