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Name: Earthworm Jim 2   

Once again Princess What's-Her-Name is in trouble. And what better a hero than an average earth worm in a cyber bionic body to save her? Enter the "hero" Jim. He's strong, he's agile and he's got Snot on his back! With more weapons, harder enemies and more bonus levels, Earthworm Jim and his faithful friend "Snot" (Who lives in Jim's backpack) must bring down tyrany, avoid falling grannies and save falling puppies from certain doom. The task is not easy, but Jim provides plenty of humor to carry you through. Earthworm Jim 2 is a 1-player multi-plained game. Half the game is side-scrolling action, the other is a hybrid or an overhead view of Jim's Pocket Rocket. It's rated 'K-A' for 'Kids to Adults'. There is animated violence such as puppies splatting on the ground (cartoon style). And slap-stick comedy. But Earthworm Jim 2's humor is pointed more towards older audiences anyways.

Graphics [8/10]:

Crisp and clean graphics make up EWJ2. (Earthworm Jim 2) The character sprites aren't as nearly impressive as the backgrounds though. The dark and sometimes erie backdrops add some dark humor to Jim's entire situation. The character and enemy sprites are kinda flat though. Compared to the lavish 3-D backgrounds, the main action looks a litte flat. (I know that it's supposed to look like that, but they don't blend the 2-D and 3-D as well as they did in the original game.)

Music and Sound [6/10]:

The music is innovative at first, and updates of *very* old classics, but after using two lives and being stuck at the same part of the level.... you'll soon realize that the music can easily become old and bothersome. The sound is almost in the same situation as the music. After you've heard all the explosions and squishes... it's just another game.

Game Play [8/10]:

For the most part, you're in a sidescrolling level, playing as an earthworm in a bionic suite. You need to navigate your way around the levels and destroy anything that stands in your path. There are many bonus levels and unique levels as well. Such as a ship level, a puppy bouncing game and a granny dodging ride. Unfortunatly though, there is no password system after you turn off your SNES :( Add to the fact that there aren't enough standard levels (Like the first levels) and the Game Play drops down to an '8'.

Challenge and Replay [7/10]:

EWJ2 offers enough challenge via secrets and bonus levels, but there is no real way to save any of that progress or come back to difficult levels. As for replay value... well I'll be going back to play this histerical game, but it would have been better if a password system was implemented.

Conclusion/Overall [7.3/10]:

Earthworm Jim's graphics, sound and gameplay are all rather impressive. But unfortunatly minor flaws in the game seem to add up and lower the overall scores. I suggest this game to anyone who loves humorous games mixed with action, and to the diehard sidescrolling fan.

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