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Name: Earth Defense Force   


This is another early Super Nintendo game. The actual game is a 2-D side-scrolling, shoot 'em up, space ship game.
Your a ship commander who must protect the earth from an evil aliens organization planning to invade. Your armed with the XA-1, a new ship armed with two "satellite" ships that are invincible, you must save the earth from the evil AGYMA. (The alien organization)

Graphics [7/10]:

Being an early SNES, Earth Defense Force had good graphics, at the time of it's release. Now they are out dated, the graphics aren't bad to look at, but they aren't the 'marvel' they were when they came out. Another thing that this game has a problem with is slow-down time. The game slows down when ever there is too many things on the screen. Some players like this, others don't, you have to decide for yourself. On the plus side, the enemies, and especially the end bosses, look AWESOME! There is also different levels of weapons, that look better as you progress. The explosions are nothing spectacular though.

Music and Sound [7/10]:

Way back in '91 when I got this game, I was blown away by the music it contained. The sound-tracks were amazing...but as time passes the quality slips below the normal standards. It's still pretty good, and an exellent effort was put towards it, but at today's standards, it's just slightly above average.
The same goes for the sound, the laser shots, the explosion sounds, are all good, but out dated. The sounds that once impressed us are now highly out dated.

Game Play [8/10]:

Even though this game is out dated, it still offers a good time. Your ship can be leveled up five times, by killing enemy ships, you can even choose to use one of eight high-tech weapons. Including Vulcan, Laser, Atomic, Homing, Explode, Search Laser, Photon, and Grenade! All of these weapons have five different 'Experience" Levels. The levels are quite simple, fly through and shoot down everything you can, with out getting hit. Sounds easy...but it's not.

Challenge and Replay [7/10]:

This game is tough. Even on the easy level, it's a big challenge. There are so many enemies on the screen at any one given time, it's hard to not get hit. You can easily loose two lives on each level, and you don't have that many lives...in the game!
As far as replay Value...well it's fun to play every now and then......but you don't run for this game when ever your bored. There isn't a save feature so that drops from the replayability.

Conclusion/Overall [7.2/10]:

It's a fun game, but there isn't too much in the way of replay. The game is definitly out dated, but it's still a good title. The fact of the matter is, that there are a bunch of better titles out there, but if your into space shooters, than maybe you'll like this game better than I do.

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