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Name: Demon's Crest   

For those of you who have ever played a Ghouls & Ghosts game you will immediately recognize the main character in this game. This is the little flying demon that proved to be such an annoying enemy in the Ghouls & Ghosts games. Now you're HIM! And he's turned into a good guy. Go figure! The premise of this game is that you are the flying demon Firebrand and it is your goal to find and recover the 6 wondrous stones and unite the power of the Demon's Crest before they fall into the evil hands of the sinister Phalanx. Sounds easy right? Yeah...sure!

Graphics [10/10]:

Gorgeous! The graphics in this game are by far and away the best non-rendered graphics I have ever seen in an SNES game. PERIOD! In fact if you're not careful you will catch yourself paying so much attention to the graphics you will lose track of what you're doing in the game. I can't impress enough just how good the graphics are in this game.

Music and Sound [9/10]:

The music and sound in Demon's Crest are excellent. They will immediately remind you of a cross between the Ghouls & Ghosts series and the Castlevania series. I guess Capcom figured since it blew the top off of the SNES with the graphics, they might as well do it with the music and sound effects also. And that they did!

Game Play [8/10]:

The control in this game may seem a bit on the difficult side at first but it soon becomes second-nature. You can run, fly, and even hover in the air. Your character also has a plethora of moves to choose from in order to conquer each increasingly tougher level. Could have been a bit tighter on the control but you can't have everything.

Challenge and Replay [9/10]:

This game is a toughie. Expect to spend many hours on this game and you still will not likely find everything there is to find. The game does have a very balanced difficulty level as each level gets gradually more challenging. And there are a few bosses in this game that are downright HARD! There are also some really interesting mini games to be found in this game. But they will be a welcome break from the action. There is also a lot of replay value in this game as it is near impossible to find all of the items the first time around.

Conclusion/Overall [9/10]:

As I said the control takes a little getting used to and some parts of the game are extremely difficult but the game itself is a true joy to play. Capcom has always had a reputation for some truly excellent games and this one is no exception. Beautiful graphics, eerie sound effects, and a huge variety of moves and special abilities make this game a "must-have" for any SNES owner. I did read somewhere that this game was released on a very limited scale in America so it might be a tad on the difficult to locate. It's worth the effort believe me!

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