In responce to any blockbuster movie, someone decided to cash in on
it. Fortunatly for us, the Gamers, they did a fairly good job on the
game. Although most of the game has nothing to do with the movie,
other than familiar name and faces, this game keeps the idea of Batman
alive. The game is a 2-D side-scrolling fighter. With a bonus "Street
Fighter" type game, built into it. Acclaim, the publisher, did a good
job on this cool game.
Graphics [9/10]:
Everything in Batman Forever, was made to look as realistic as
possible. Robin looks almost exactly as he did in the movie, so does
Batman, the Riddler and Two-Face. The special effects in this game are
pretty well done, some of the inmates at the assylum are holding LIVE
wires! The energy surging from the wire looks awsome. The backrounds
add to the entire game experiance, they're dark and gothic, just like
the Dark Knight himself. One of the really good things about this
game, is that ever when there are several enemies on one screen, the
game has no noticable slow down!
Music and Sound [7/9]:
The music sounds something like the movie's music, but it falls short,
and doesn't sound as great as it could. It's not that bad, but from
from one of the newer SNES game, you expect it to be a little better.
There is a variety of sound track so the game' music rarely gets boring.
The sound effects are done rather well. The contact of a punch, the
throw of Batman's Bat-o-rang, they all sound almost real. The enemies
have a bit of speech, but none of it is really neccesary, they would
have been better of working on the muisic more, than the speech.
(Speech on the SNES takes up a lot of room)
Game Play [8/9]:
In the regular game you can play as one, or two players. They
similtaniously play, as Batman or Robin. In the regular Single Player
game you can choose between Batman or Robin. Both are pretty equal in
attributes, there's only a couple of noticable differances. The game
is a 2-D Side-scrolling fighting game. The enemies have they're own
individual life, and you must beat the heck out of 'em before they get
to do anything really nasty to you.
There is also a two player Fighting mode, where you can be almost any
of the enemies or heroes, and duke it out! This is a definite plus to
the game, but it's not as fun as normal fighting games.
The only real problem with the Game Play is that in the regular game,
the levels sometimes get repeatative, and the enemies, can become more
of an annoyance than a threat..but that only happens every so often.
Challenge and Replay [7/10]:
No matter what difficulty setting you put on your game, this game is
very tough. The computer has very good Artificial Intelligents, the
goons and mugs of the streets will gang up on you, rather than like in
most games, wait for you to attack them.
The two-player modes are the saving grace for this game, they are
really the only thing you'll want to play after beating this game...I
mean sure every so often you'll go back to play the regular game, but
this isn't the type of game, that you'll run to whenever your bored.
Conclussion/Overall [7.7/10]:
Overall this is a pretty good game, but it's not without it's faults.
It can get repeatative and boring at times. There is a big variety of
enemies, and the sound effects are pretty good. The two plaer modes
are a huge saver of this game's ratings. There are better titles out
there, but this is a pretty good one.