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Name: Breath of Fire 2   

Breath of fire 2 is the sequel to one of the greatest games of all time Breath of Fire and is possible the best snes game ever made. You play has Ryu a child with blue hair (go figure) and the heart of a dragon. You lose your sister and father when you take a nap next to a dragon. This is an excellent RPG with action, humor and drama (I guarantee at least one tear will be shed).

Graphics [7/10]:

The graphics are somewhat like Final Fantasy 7 (The graphics are great in battle but are lacking out of battle). The spells look awesome and when you attack the sequence looks cool. Also if you use the spell God dragon it is just as good as any thing in Final Fantasy 7.

Sound and Music [4/10]:

I have too say it Breath of fire 2 is not about sound although there is a few cool little sound affects you just can't get over the music and how it repeats over and over and over and over.

Game Play [9/10]:

This is diffidently one of the greatest games ever made. I don't like to admit this but I just can't help but cry when Ryu's dad tells him too kill him too save the world or when all your friends get killed by Deatheven also the boss of the game is pure evil, he takes all the people who believe in him and steals there power and energy and then kills them after he no longer needs them, is that pure evil or what. This game is number 1 when it comes to gameplay.

Challenge and Replay [9/10]:

This game is as hard as it gets (But oddly enough it does not make you want to scream like some games when it gets to hard). This game may not have 3 discs but it is very long and is fun all the way also it doesn't hurt to have 3 different endings. another cool aspect of the game is being able too make your own town even choosing what kind of house you want.

Conclusion/Overall [8/10]:

Overall this is the perfect RPG it mixes all the elements needed to be great it has action, drama and a great story which you'll neve get bored of, if it wasn't for a few sound and graphic problems it would get a perfect 10, But it has it where it counts and that's what is important.

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