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Name: Battle Clash   

Battle Clash takes place sometime in the future. An evil dictator has appointed several chiefs, to control the world for him. The evil dictator lives on the moon. The only way to reach him is throught the Tower of Babil. (Why can't Nintendo come up with original names?) The chiefs are all out fitted with powerful machines named STs. Each ST has it's own unique fighting abilities and weapons. You must battle your way through all the Chiefs and then reach the moon. To do battle wih the evil dictator.
Battle Clash is a shooter/fighting game. In the ST that you do battle in, there is a pilot(Computer character) and a gunner(You) All you have to worry about is shooting the enemy down, and intercepting the weapons.

Graphics [7/10]:

Battle Clash isn't a graphical marvel, but it looks neat, and runs without any slowdown. There is few gaphics for the different weapons though. You ST has a machine gun, that makes little yellow marks on the enemy ST, a pulse laser that is an orangish burst across the screen, and grenades that look like, well GRENADES! The enemies have little Purple-pink lasers and blinking bomb-type weapons. There's a few more varying weapons, but none of them are immpressive. They're all just mediocre. The enemy STs are more immpressive. Every enemy has a different ST. Each ST looks incredibly different, and even moves differently. The backrounds of the levels are done well, but they don't have anything fancy, or exiting about them.

Music and Sound [8/10]:

Every level has different music, but you really don't notice it. The music blends into the Game Play it really gives you a "feel" of the level your fighting in. I've never experienced this type of music in a fighter, or in many other games. The music blends into the level so well, it may be too well! You don't even notice it, if your not thinking about it. If someone took it away, you'de notice the loss. The music has a definite impact on the game.
Sound effects were not as good as the music. There's little variety in the sounds of the weapons, getting hit or even the laughter that is played when your ST is defeated. Bottom line, it's ok, but the sound needs a little work.

Game Play [8/10]:

This game has a very unique Game Playing experience. There is a pilot(computer) and a gunner/intercepter (You). You see your enemy through almost the entire screen. He can move left or right in his/her ST. It's your pilot's job to follow, and your job to shoot down incoming missiles and to eventually shoot down the enemy ST. Your ST has four weapons, 1. Machine Gun...can be used at any time and has infinite ammo. 2.Pulse Laser...can b used after charging the machine gun. 3. Bomb...can be used by selecting it with the cursor. and 4. A special weapon you get after defeating a chief- to be used against the Dictator.
There is also a little story line in the game. It's not exellent, but it's better than most figher games.

Challenge and Replay [9/10]:

The first game you play is pretty easy. But after you beat it a code pops up on your screen (see codes section) that allows you to change difficulty. The Medium difficulty is pretty hard, not to mention the HARD level.
With the difficulty of this game, the replay is greatly increased. I could sit down and play this for hours upon ends. It's always fun to fight for a while and then finally defeat the enemy!

Conclussion/Overall [8/10]:

Not a great game, but a good game. If you own a Super Scope, this is a good edition to it. If you don't, this isn't the game to make you buy one. There are a couple other great Super Scope games out there. Not to say this one is bad, it's just underdeveloped. But if you want all of the Super Scope Games, this one should give you a lot of fun.

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