Mayday! Mayday! The Neptunians, an underwater race of nasty alien beings, have invaded Earth in search of their favorite food-manham! Their ploy: melt tje polar
ice caps with hot water from their underwater bio-factories, sink the continents, and imprison humans in underwater domes for good eating later. Ironically, Earth's last hope is the dastardly pirate, Narikeen. Convinced that he should finally do something for the good of the human race,
Narikeen sets out in his submarine, Squoon, to rescue the imprisoned Earthlings.
GAME PLAY:Squoon can only carry nine people at a time, so you must work quickly to save each country of the world. Scan the ocean depths for the hot water factories that are melting the ice caps and the bio-factories that continuously create more scary Neptunian
warriors. Hit the Neptunians with you horizon missile. Destroy undersea domes to free the humans and transfer them quickly for another rescue. How many people can you save? Can you stop Earth from sinking into the hands of the Neptunians?