As part of a diabolical plan to conquer the world, demon monsters, led by the feociouys Giant Demon, have stolen away the gentle souls of peaceful Shangra-La and imprisoned
them on dealy Demon Island. There, the only hope of escape is the destruction of Demon Castle by the Nija Kid, junior defender of human rights.
GAME PLAY:As the Nija Kid, your objective is almost insurmountable, for strong magic has placed an inpenetrable, invisible shield around Demon Castle. To break through the shield, you must enlist the help of the Old Witch's changing spell and find a special scroll. To
accomplish this, you must negotiate four increasingly dangerous fighting fields through guerilla warfare, poison, a mid-air dog fight with vicious demon spirits, cunning death traps and a blazing inferno. The final test of your skill and determination will be to fight the Giant Demon in Demon Hell without the
benefit of your special weapons. Will you find the Giant Demon's single weak point before he steals you spirit, too? As the Nija Kid, you have the whole world in your hands.