The fair Sylvia has been captured by the mysterious gang "X" which holds her a helpless captive at the top of their castle fortress. She feverishly awaits her rescue by Thomas, great master of Kung Fu.
The task is not easy-even for the great master. This gang fights with style! Skillful punches, sharp kicks and well-timed jump kicks are required to overcome the artful and wily fighters unleashed by the evil gang.
GAME PLAY:As Thomas, you must fight an uphill battle to the fifth floor to save Sylvia. Each floor has different dangers. Myriad martial arts experts lie in wait to attack you and halt your mission. Learn to hit the Gripper, the Knife Thrower, or the Tom Tom Brothers with a punch or a
jump kick and you'll earn extra points. It's tricky! The Stick Fighter, Giant, Boomerang Thrower, and Black Magician are some of the tough opponents at the end of the floors, but nothing like the gang leader, Mr. X that you will meet on the fifth floor.
So tighten you black belt, and fight!