The planet Gradius, a peaceful Earth-like world, is under all-out attack by the amoeboid Bacterions from a distant star cluster. Your hyper-space fighter is armed with the greatest
arsenal in the galaxy and your objective is the Superfortress, Xaerous- the nerve center of the all-knowing, all-seeing Bacterion Bio-Computer.
GAME PLAY:You maneuver your space fighter, the Warp Rattler, through each of seven different and challenging stages on your mission to destroy the Superfotress Xaerous. Power boosters along the way give you extra capabilities, such as the doppel-ganger
option which spins off a ghost-like twin of your Warp Rattler to double your firepower, or the Force Field Barrier that makes you invulnerable to enemy attack. It's a duel to the death while the whole galaxy watches, waits, and hopes.