Twenty-thousand leagues under the sea in Clu Clu Land, an evil Sea Urchin has stolen the kingdom's precious gold bars and hidden them in a mysterious aquatic maze. It's up to you to find the gold. But it won't be easy. Beacause of some strange force, you'll
find it hard to manuever. The only way you can turn is by hooking a hand around a turn post or by bouncing off a wall- perhaps right into the clutches of the lethal Sea Urchin!
GAME PLAY:As you swim through CLu Clu Land in search of the gold bars, the Sea Urchin will do everything in his power to stop you. He'll try to sting you with his his house, th Black Hole, where he'll swallow you alive! Beware. Fight back with your stun gun. Soon, the gold will be yours.