The balloons are coming! They're floating around carrying the enemy armed with more ammo than just hot air! The only thing to do is man your own balloon and counter attack. The balloon fight is on - ragin over land and sea!
GAME PLAY: Hop aboard your balloon and try to burst an enemy balloon's bubble. It's not easy , especially since there are so many balloons out to get you. Hit the enmy from above and send it into the drink below. Strike again as the enemy
balloon floats down. If you don't it will return to the fray- with a stronger attack! If you send an enemy balloon into the sea, fly down low. Watch for a bubble which will float to surface. Shoot it for extra points! But beware of the fish. They are hungry. And you are on the menu! As you master game play, you'll meet tougher challenges- thunder
and lightning storms as well as flying propellers that fling you across the sky. Two can play this game. While one of you bursts the enemy's balloon, the other goes for the enemy's parachute.