Super Return of the Jedi Contributed by-Richard Debug Menu/Cheat Options The very first time the Start Game/Option Menu/Password screen appears, hold L and R on Controller 2, then press A, A, B, B, X, X, Y, Y, A, B, X, Y, A, B, X, Y on Controller 1. Begin your game normally. When you want to skip to the end of a stage, hold A and B on Controller 1 and press Start. If you wish to access the Debug screen, press L and R on Controller 2. You can then change any options using Controller 1. 90+9 Lives The very first time the "Start Game/Option Menu/Password" screen appears, press X, X, B, A, Y, Start. Then begin your game normally. Credits The very first time the "Start Game/Option Menu/Password" screen appears, press A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. If you touch anything after that, the game will go back to the Title screen. Extra Continues The very first time the "Start Game/Option Menu/Password" screen appears, press A, B, A, Y, A, X. Infinite Thermal Bombs The very first time the "Start Game/Option Menu/Password" screen appears, press B, X, B, X, B, X, B, B, B, Y. Any time you want to use a thermal detonator, press X. All the passwords: Easy: Brave: Jedi: Level 2 RLGQMN BGFSMH RRSBTS Level 3 ZJLMRJ JVPLHP YQYHJN Level 4 LZLKJF VDLBGG ZPNKKZ Level 5 VTYMZX MKYXVN BZGBJX Level 6 QZNFPP LBRHFR MSDZZR Level 7 VKCDFD GPTDZC XXVPBG Level 8 ZCTKFC DDDQYZ CQQBKP Level 9 QYXYHB TLVHFT XNHPSF Level 10 LFWLTQ NVBJJH KQMLXP Level 11 QDQGKH GRMJYX MFWHQM Level 12 CPMRZV ZKQHQD VCYNNP Level 13 CDWLTY WCBMKS BPSDVS Level 14 BPFFZQ KXVZZD DSFYGD Level 15 RMNVLC BWHPHZ NJHPHL Level 16 RVKFKG MKZYDP BZCBCB Level 17 VQXDQJ KHWKCB VJKSNJ Level 18 HLQMVL WDSMNN PPNNZY Level 19 VQJGWF GWYXGN CJQKMX Level 20 ZZSTXZ BGSWLD TXQLTM