Earthworm Jim Contributed by: Richard Weird code: During gameplay, hit Start to puse. Hit Y, A, B, B, A, Y, A, B, B, A. Nick Jones (with five different haircuts) tells you that you've entered a code that no loner works. Debug screen: During gameplay, hit Start to pause. Press and release Left and A simultaneously, then hit B, X, A, A, B, X, A, and Start. A picture of the EWJ design team appears. Then you'll see the debug menu, where you can select level and ivincibility. Level skip: During gameplay, hit Start to pause. Hit A, B, X, A, A+X, B+X, B+X, and A+X. A "Groovy screen appears, then a new screen announcing your new level. Weapons and continues: Hit Start to pause, and then enter these codes to gain advantages. Extra Plasma Shot: A, A, B+L, A, A, X, B+L, and X Extra continues: A, B, A, B, X, Y, X, and Y Fill weapons to 1,000 rounds: A, B, B+L, B, X, A, X, and X Extra Life: B, B, A, X+Y, A, A, A, and A