Aladdin Contributed by-Richard Level select: On the option screen, using Controller 2, press L, R, Start, Select, X, Y, A, B. Do this quickly - you'll hear a chime when it is done correctly. On Controller 1, select "Exit" to return to the Title screen. Then, using Controller 1, hold the L and R Buttons, and use the Control Pad to choose your starting stage. Bonus lives: Press B when the Genie blinks during the bonus levels for one or two extra lives. PasswordLevel GMAS The Cave of Wonders JMPG Escape from the Cave of Wonders GJAM Inside the Genie's Lamp MAGP The Pyramid PJSP "A Whole New World" JPAJ Jafar's Palace APMS Final Battle Key: A - Aladdin P - Princess G - Genie M - Monkey S - Sultan J - Jafar