Video Games
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Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
Strategy Guide
Mission simulator
Unlock all five endings with a pilot by completing all fifty-two missions and save the game. Then, return to the title screen and load the completed game save file. The "New File" option will change to an "S-File" option. Choose that option for a mission simulator that allows any mission to be played with any airplane and difficulty setting.
Bonus mission
Get a rank of "B" or better in all thirty five regular simulator missions to unlock a bonus mission.
U14054 Aurora plane
Get a rank of "A" in all thirty six simulator missions on the normal or hard difficulty settings.
Orbital Satellite Laser and X-49 Night Raven plane
Get a rank of "A" in all thirty six simulator missions on the hard difficulty setting. Note: The laser may not be used in all missions.
XR-900 Geopelia plane
Get a rank of "A" in simulator mission thirty six in the mission simulator.
Music test
Successfully complete the game on the easy difficulty setting.
Japanese FMV sequence
Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting to view the original Japanese introduction sequence.
Control replay
During a replay, press Square, Triangle, Circle, X, L1 or R1 to change camera angles. Press L2 to add a filter, as if the view were through sunglasses. Press R2 to add motion blurring.
Game Shark Codes
North American Version
Invincible | 800710BA 2400 80071016 2400 |
Infinite Time | 80052F06 2400 |
Infinite Missiles | 800705CA 2400 |
Rapid Fire Missiles | 800704D4 0001 |
Add Missiles Instead of Subtracting Them | 800705C4 0001 |
Unlock Plane Codes |
EF2000E Typhoon II | 300BE669 0001 |
MiG-33 Fulcrum SS | 300BE66A 0001 |
F/A-18U Hornet ADV | 300BE66B 0001 |
F-16XFU Gyrfalcon | 300BE66C 0001 |
R-101 Delphinus #1 | 300BE66D 0001 |
R-201 Asterzoa | 300BE66E 0001 |
F-16XA Sakerfalcon | 300BE66F 0001 |
F-15S/MT Eagle+ | 300BE670 0001 |
F-22C Raptor II | 300BE671 0001 |
F/A-32C Erne | 300BE672 0001 |
Su-37 Super Flanker | 300BE673 0001 |
R-102 Delphinus #2 | 300BE674 0001 |
R-211 Orcinus | 300BE675 0001 |
Su-43 Berkut | 300BE676 0001 |
R-103 Delphinus #3 | 300BE677 0001 |
XFA-36A Game | 300BE678 0001 |
XR-900 Geopelia | 300BE67B 0001 |
X-49 Night Raven | 300BE67C 0001 |
UI-4054 Aurora | 300BE67D 0001 |
All Planes (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed) | 50000A02 0000 800BE66A 0101 |
Japanese Version
Invincible | 8007249A 2400 80072216 2400 800723F0 0064 |
Infinite Time | 80054336 2400 |
Infinite Missiles | 800719AA 2400 |
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