Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
1-4 Simultaneous
Password screen:
Enter the options screen, select "Game Status", highlight one of the characters, then hold L + R.
Enter ELBICNIVNI as a password. This is especially useful in quest mode.
Rapid fire mode:
Enter RAPID_FIRE as a password to remove the delay when shooting weapons.
Solo play in arcade mode:
Enter HOME_ALONE as a password.
No gravity:
Enter NO_GRAVITY as a password. Gravity will be reduced to the point that your car will almost float when a bump is hit
Big wheels:
Enter GO_MONSTER as a password.
View all ending sequences:
Enter LONG_MOVIE as a password to view all endings in one continuous sequence.
Same cars in multi-player:
Enter MIXED_CARS as a password to allow more than one person to select the same car in multi-player mode.
All characters:
Enter LLA_KCOLNU as a password to unlock all characters. Note: Their quests will not be completed.
All characters have maximum stats:
Enter LLA_DORTOH as a password.
No wheel attachments:
Enter DRIVE_ONLY as a password to keep wheel attachments from appearing.
Super missiles:
Enter BLAST_FIRE as a password to increase the damage from missiles.
Attract enemies:
Enter UNDER_FIRE as a password to have three enemies to attack simultaneously.
Slow motion mode:
Enter GO_SLOW_MO as a password.
Heavier cars:
Enter GO_RAMMING as a password to increase your car's weight and ramming ability.
Lighter cars:
Enter HI_CEILING as a password to decrease your car's weight and hover higher than normal.
Faster cars:
Enter MORE_SPEED as a password.
Fast action:
Enter QUICK_PLAY as a password to enable a random arcade feature.
High suspensions:
Enter JACK_IT_UP as a password.