Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Control title screen:
Complete the game on any path. Return to the title screen and use the Analog-stick to move the "64" logo.
Remove targeting:
Pause game play and press R.
Use Land Master:
Win a medal on Venom in normal mode to use the Land Master (anti-aircraft rotation tank) in Vs. mode.
Alternate title screen:
Get all 30 medals in the game (15 in normal mode and 15 in expert mode).
Play by Foot:
Win a medal on Venom in expert mode. Falco, Fox, Peppy, or Slippy may be played on foot in Vs. mode.
Hidden art work:
Complete the game in expert mode using either route to Venom. Wait until the credits end. Depending on which Venom route was taken, two different screens will appear.
Hint: Sector Z recharge:
In Sector Z, fly in the rear top hatch of Great Fox, over the middle engine. You will emerge near the front lower hatch completely recharged. Also, damaged wings will instantly be repaired.
Hint: Moving faster left or right:
You can move faster left or right by performing a barrel roll while turning, except in all-range mode. It does not matter which way the barrel roll is oriented, it will work for both sides. Try using the index on the hand that is less busy. For example, if you are shooting enemies, slowing down and turning right will executing this move. It is best to use the left index, even if you need to turn right. A left barrel roll will be easier and more practical in this situation. Note: Do not use this trick if your camera angle is inside the Arwing; it will only make you hit the ground faster.
Hint: Blocking enemy fire while executing a somersault:
Nothing stops you from executing a barrel roll while executing a somersault. This will never be useful in the main game, but also can be extremely useful in versus mode.
Hint: Near-invincibility in multi-player mode:
Begin game play as a human versus an opponent that is also human. Approach your opponent and press Z to jump on him or her. The only way for your opponent to hurt your character is if he or she shoots a bomb and detonates it. Shoot downwards to keep hitting him or her, and make it appear that your character is doing the splits on their head.
Hint: Homing missile:
Charge the laser then launch a bomb when shooting at an opponent.
Hint: Meteo to Katina:
Near the end of Meteo, before the Boss, there are seven blue rings. When you fly through them you will start doing barrel rolls. If you can fly through all of seven of them you will warp to Katina. The rings are located in Meteo after about three minutes have passed.
Hint: Defeating Andross:
Shoot at Andross' eyes until he has to rub them. Then shoot at his hands. If he tries to inhale you, move to the side of the screen. When he spits rocks, keep shooting them. Continue shooting his eyes and then hands and repeat this until his head explodes. If you are fighting the fake Andross, you will find a robot. Just fire a bomb to destroy it. If you are fighting the real Andross, he will turn into a brain. Chase his eyes and destroy them. After destroying both of them, the brain will chase you. When it gets close enough, somersault. If he grabbed you, keep pressing buttons to escape. If done correctly, you will now be behind him. Shoot the gray matter and repeat until he is defeated. After that, follow your father out or you will die.
Alternatively, the following tough and dangerous tactic can be used. First, start shooting the hands. They have a significant level of health -- be persistent and very fast, since they hit hard. When Andross starts the vacuum attack, get to a lower corner, hold Z/R to stay on the side, and hold the brake. If done correctly, you should barely avoid the attack. If you get sucked in, both wings and the laser power-ups will be lost, and you will also descend at a slow rate of speed. Once his hands are gone, he can only execute the suck and spit attacks. Shoot the rocks, avoid the mouth, and shoot his eyes. When he turns into the mechanical form, stay to either side of the screen. Dodge him when he charges, and shoot him when he retreats to finally defeat Andross.
Hint: Angry Andross:
Shoot a bomb into Andross' mouth when he does his vacuum attack. If done correctly, he will stop and steam will appear from his ears.
Hint: Play unlimited point match:
To extend a point match game as long as desired, begin a 3-player, 5 kill point match game. Have one player rank up to 4 points, then defeat the other two players simultaneously. If the two players are defeated at the exact same moment, the win counter will jump to 6 points, and go past the usual limit of 5 points. The match will continue until you reset the game. This trick works best if the two players to be defeated are on foot, and not in tanks or Arwings.
Glitch: Lost wing shadow:
Look at your shadow after losing either of your wings. It will still appear as though both wings are still attached.
Glitch: Bill speaks while dead:
Go to any course that Bill is found (Katina is the best place to do this trick). Try to destroy Bill, and when you do he will continue to talk even though he is dead.
Glitch: Strange ring sounds:
Go to any course and get two golden rings. Pause game play just as you get the third golden ring. If done correctly, you will see your life grow and sound continue even though the game is paused